Danielle Reyes

Danielle Reyes News

  • Tonya Paoni second to be evicted from 'Big Brother 3' house

    July 23, 2002
    After being nominated for eviction by Marcellas Reynolds, the second Head of Household, Tonya Paoni was evicted from the BIG BROTHER 3 house based on the votes of her fellow HouseGuests. Tonya received more votes than fellow nominee Josh Feinberg. Danielle Reyes won the Power of Veto and chose to leave the nominations as they stood.
  • Lori Olsen first to be evicted from 'Big Brother 3' house

    July 16, 2002
    After being nominated for eviction by Lisa Donahue, the first Head of Household, Lori Olson was evicted from the BIG BROTHER 3 house based on the votes of her fellow HouseGuests. Lori received more votes than fellow nominee Amy Crews, who took Marcellas Reynold’s place on the chopping block after Gerry Lancaster vetoed Marcellas’s nomination for eviction.
  • EW.com leaks 'Big Brother 3' cast the day before CBS' formal announcement

    July 4, 2002
    Geez, stuff like this never happens with 'Survivor,' apparently this just proves what second-rate reality TV fare it is that CBS is serving up this summer.

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