Jonathan Rivera

Jonathan Rivera Photos

Jonathan Rivera and Fernanda Flores

Jonathan Rivera and Fernanda Flores


90 Day Fiance Season 6 couple Jonathan Rivera and Fernanda Flores

Jonathan Rivera is a 32-year-old from Lumberton, NC, and Fernanda Flores is a 19-year-old from Mexico.

Jonathan and Fernanda met at a club in Mexico, leading Jonathan to extend his trip for an extra three days.

He hadn't expected to meet someone during his trip, so he shocked everyone, including himself, when he proposed after just three months.

Jonathan has made the most of his bachelor lifestyle and must prepare for the big adjustment of sharing his life with someone else.

Fernanda jokes that Jonathan is robbing her of her youth by tying her down at such a young age, but Jonathan sometimes wonders if their 12-year age difference could be the demise of their relationship.

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