The Surreal Life: Fame Games

The Surreal Life: Fame Games (Courtesy Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The Surreal Life: Fame Games is a reality television series that was originally broadcast on the VH1 cable network. A spin-off of the VH1 show, The Surreal Life, the show assembles ten alumni of the show's 6 prior seasons to compete in a ten-week competition that takes place in Las Vegas, with the winner taking home a prize of $100,000 provided by the online gaming site Golden Robin Leach is the host. The contestants also compete in a game show format elimination round in each episode called "Back to Reality" that sees the losers, in the first 3 weeks of the competition, sent to "the B-List" which consists of living in a less luxurious wing of the mansion than the rest of the housemates, who are designated as "the A-List". In the later weeks, when the teams are split evenly, they compete in team competitions where the losing team must send 3 members to play "Back to Reality" to eliminate one person from the competition entirely.

The show featured a theme song titled "I Wanna Be Famous" recorded by cast member C.C. Deville from his solo album Samantha 7.

Contestants and Placings

Host : Robin Leach

Fame Gamers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Andrea Rob Rob Rob Rob Traci Ron Rob Verne Ron Traci Traci Traci
Brigitte Ron Andrea Andrea Andrea Verne Andrea Andrea Traci Rob Ron Ron Ron
C.C. Traci C.C. C.C. C.C. Emmanuel Pepa Pepa Pepa Traci Pepa Pepa
Chyna Pepa Pepa Ron Ron Chyna Rob Ron Rob Pepa Rob
Emmanuel Brigitte Ron Pepa Pepa Rob Traci Traci Ron Verne
Pepa C.C. Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Andrea Chyna Verne Andrea
Rob Emmanuel Traci Traci Traci Pepa Verne Chyna
Ron Andrea Brigitte Brigitte Chyna Ron Emmanuel
Traci Verne Verne Verne Verne C.C.
Verne Chyna Chyna Chyna Brigitte
Winning Team N/A N/A N/A A-List B-List A-List N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
{{colorbox}} The Fame Gamer who won the Competition
{{colorbox}} The Fame Gamer who is in the B-list
{{colorbox}} The Fame Gamer who is in the A-list
{{colorbox}} The Fame Gamer who was Eliminated
{{colorbox}} The Fame Gamer who won the Reward Challenge
{{colorbox}} The Fame Gamer who is Sent to "Back to Reality" (From Ep. 7-10 only)
{{colorbox}} The Fame Gamer who Quits
  • In Episode 1, Jordan Knight went home due to personal problems and he was replaced by Verne Troyer.
  • In Episode 6, the A-List and The B-list teams were no longer used and it became an individual competition.
  • In Episode 7, the Fame Gamers who were in the bottom 3 are not sent to "Back to Reality", but instead, the person with the least amount of points was instantly eliminated.
Fame Gamers


No. Title
Challenge Winner Back to Reality Contestants (Loser in bold) Original air date
Title=Welcome To Celebrity Island AltTitle=Celebrity Autograph Aux1=Rob Van Winkle Aux2=Grab Bag Aux3=Andrea Lowell, Chyna Doll and Verne Troyer (Sent to The B-List) OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary=Random audience members were asked of which star they would most like to meet and get their picture taken with. The three celebrities with the lowest number of fans lost. LineColor= }} </ref>

Title=Sex, Size, and Videotape AltTitle = Scandal Video Aux1 = Rob Van Winkle and Andrea Lowell Aux2=What's Charo Saying? Aux3=Emmanuel Lewis, Traci Bingham and Brigitte Nielsen (Sent to The B-List) OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary= Teams of two had to make a scandalous video that lasted no more than 30 seconds. The team that won chose the next three celebrities to play back to reality. LineColor= }} </ref>

Title=Down and Out on the B-List AltTitle=Green Screen Aux1=Rob Van Winkle Aux2 = Aux3= CC Deville, Ron Jeremy and Emmanuel Lewis (Sent to The B-List) OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary=Each team was given a script to memorize and then perform in front of a green screen. The three celebrities that did the worst acting jobs lost. LineColor= }} </ref>

Title=The Chyna Doll Syndrome AltTitle=Hotel Trash Aux1=A-List Aux2 = Surreal Connections Aux3 = Chyna Doll, Brigitte Nielsen and Verne Troyer (Originally eliminated from the show, but Brigitte Nielsen offered to eliminate herself.) OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary=Both teams had identical "hotel rooms" to trash. Whichever team trashed their hotel room more won the challenge. The losing team sent three players back to reality. LineColor= }} </ref>

Title=V for Variety AltTitle=Variety Show Aux1=B-List Aux2=Celebrity Go Fish Aux3=Ron Jeremy, Pepa Denton and CC Deville (Eliminated) OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary=Both teams had to put on a variety show for a live audience. The team that got the loudest applause won the challenge. The losing team sent three players back to reality. LineColor= }} </ref>

Title=Pretty Women AltTitle=Hooker Challenge Aux1=A-List Aux2=The Real Bling Aux3=Verne Troyer, Chyna Doll and Emmanuel Lewis (Eliminated) OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary="" "? Each team had to choose out of a large group of hookers and club dancers only fifteen girls. whichever team had the least number of hookers in their fifteen choices won. The losing team sent three players back to reality. LineColor= }} </ref>

Title=Dial M for Mommy AltTitle=Surreal Life Telethon Aux1=Rob van Winkle Aux2=None Aux3=Chyna Doll (Eliminated, possibly because Andrea Lowell manipulated Kennedy, who judged the fame of each celebrity who was called) OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary=Each celebrity had to call as many famous people as they knew. Out of the people called, 50 were selected as the top 50. Players then received points based on if someone they called made the top 50 list. For instance, if Jim Carrey was ranked 40, the player who called him received 10 points. The person who received the fewest points was instantly eliminated. LineColor= }} </ref>

Title=Peeping Toms AltTitle=Paparazzi Aux1=Verne Troyer Aux2=Gourmet or Garbage? Aux3=Ron Jeremy,Rob van Winkle, Andrea Lowell OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary=The teams were sent to a resort for a day of relaxation, however, they didn't know that it was a secret challenge, in which paparazzi snapped scandalous shots of the Fame Gamers. The three celebrities with the worst photos would go to Back to Reality. LineColor= }} </ref>

Title = Five Weasly Pieces AltTitle = Fan Challenge Aux1=Ron Jeremy and Rob Van Winkle Aux2=Fill in the ____ing Blank Aux3=Pepa, Traci Bingham and Verne Troyer OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary=The remaining contestants were attached to one of their fans. However, they had to stay attached no matter what, and separating would let an alarm go off, thus eliminating them from the game. LineColor= }} </ref>

Title = The Ice Ice Storm AltTitle=Commercial Making Aux1=Traci Bingham Aux2=Stick it in Google Aux3= OriginalAirDate= ShortSummary= The contestants had To Make A Commercial For Golden Gaming Palace.Net.The Contestant Who Made the best Commercial Won. Back to Reality 1 (Contestants vote for the person they want to go home...majority vote goes home) Contestants: Ron Jeremy, Pepa, Rob Van Winkle Back to Reality 2 Contestants: Ron Jeremy and Pepa

Final Two: Traci Bingham and Ron Jeremy

LineColor= }}

Place Name Photos
1 Vanilla Ice 6
2 Traci Bingham
Ron Jeremy
3 Brigitte Nielsen
C. C. DeVille
Emmanuel Lewis
4 Andrea Lowell
Verne Troyer
5 Chyna 1

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