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Big Brother 3 News

  • Former 'Big Brother' star Tonya Paoni charged with reckless homicide

    June 17, 2010
    Former Big Brother third-season houseguest Tonya Paoni is reportedly in big trouble.
  • Complete 'Big Brother 3' season to be released on DVD

    September 5, 2003
    CBS has announced that the US version of "Big Brother" will be the latest television program (but one of the few American reality television programs) to have an increasingly-popular full season DVD release.
  • CBS planning 'Celebrity Big Brother' edition for as early as Fall 2002

    October 13, 2002
    Entertainment Weekly recently reported that CBS CEO Leslie Moonves is working on an all-star ''Big Brother'' to air as early as October. He hopes to feature higher-watt personalities than, say, Barry Williams or Danny Bonaduce (who both appeared on Fox's ''Celebrity Boxing'' special last season).
  • Big Brother 3 - Episode 32 Summary

    September 28, 2002
    Our episode summary for Big Brother 3, Episode 32, "They're Ba-a-ack!," authored by 'Swami' has been posted. Check it out by clicking HERE
  • Lisa Donahue wins 'Big Brother 3,' becomes first US woman to do so

    September 26, 2002
    After being one of the final two remaining HouseGuests with Danielle Reyes, Lisa Donahue emerged triumphant last night as BIG BROTHER 3’s grand prize-winner of $500,000 based on the votes of her former housemates. As the second place winner, Danielle receives $50,000. Lisa is the first woman to win the grand prize in three seasons of BIG BROTHER. Eddie McGee from New York won in season one and Will Kirby from Miami emerged the winner in season two.
  • Big Brother 3 - Episode 31 Summary

    September 24, 2002
    Our episode summary for Big Brother 3, Episode 31, "Nice Guys Finish (3rd to) Last," authored by 'Bucky Katt' has been posted. Check it out by clicking HERE
  • Jason Guy final houseguest to be evicted from 'Big Brother 3' house

    September 22, 2002
    After losing the final Head of Household competition to Lisa Donahue, Jason Guy was the 10th and final HouseGuest to be evicted from the Big Brother house during Saturday night’s live broadcast of BIG BROTHER 3.
  • Big Brother 3 - Episode 29 Summary

    September 21, 2002
    Our episode summary for Big Brother 3, Episode 29, "Hang Ten, Puke One," authored by 'Lisapooh' has been posted. Check it out by clicking HERE
  • Big Brother 3 - Episode 30 Summary

    September 20, 2002
    Our episode summary for Big Brother 3, Episode 30, "Y'all come back now, hear?," authored by 'survivorscott' has been posted. Check it out by clicking HERE
  • Big Brother 3 - Episode 23 Summary

    September 20, 2002
    Our episode summary for Big Brother 3, Episode 23, "Six Down ... Half A Dozen To Go," authored by 'AyaK' has been posted. Check it out by clicking HERE


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