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Big Brother 3 News

  • CBS.com to offer 'Big Brother 3' fantasy game

    July 2, 2002
    Zap2It.com reports that starting Monday, July 8, 'Big Brother 3' viewers will be able to play "Fantasy Big Brother," a variation on fantasy sports games in which players score points based on what they do inside the 'Big Brother 3' house.
  • CBS to release 'Big Brother 3' live stream pricing this week

    July 1, 2002
    'Big Brother 3' producer Arnold Shapiro has told Jam! Showbiz that CBS and Real Networks will once again be providing 24-hour Web feeds to the 'Big Brother' house (for a fee of course -- the "free Internet" days are long gone.)
  • BB3 producer threatens to expel houseguests who look at banners

    July 1, 2002
    The NY Post reports that 'Big Brother 3' will have several "plane-spotters" on staff this summer to keep an eye out for small airplanes dragging large banners with personal messages to the show's contestants.
  • 'Big Brother 3' to feature "a few surprises"

    June 30, 2002
    According to Zap2It.com, Big Brother executive producer Arnold Shapiro, who helped revamp the show last summer along with producer Allison Grodner, has some new tricks up his sleeve this time around. While retaining most of the features from last time, they "have thrown in just a few twists and turns, just a few new roadblocks in terms of our rules and format so that the people coming into the house who have worked out a perfect strategy -- and believe me, all of them think they have -- are in for a few surprises."
  • 'Big Brother 3' cast to be revealed on July 5th 'The Early Show'

    June 30, 2002
    CBS has announced that the 'Big Brother 3' cast members will be announced on the Friday, July 5, 'The Early Show' CBS morning news prorgam. But don't fret folks, because according to executive producer Arnold Shapiro "they're like hungry dogs just waiting to be released from their cages before the contest begins."
  • 'Big Brother 3' to premiere on July 10th

    May 31, 2002
    CBS will send 12 more people into isolation this July, when the third installment of its unscripted series "Big Brother" premieres.
  • CBS Announces 'Big Brother 3,' Begins Taking Applications

    April 14, 2002
    CBS announced today that it is taking applications for "Big Brother 3."

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