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Sorority Life News

  • MTV's 'Sorority Life' and 'Fraternity Life' premiering new seasons tonight, September 17

    September 17, 2003
    MTV's third season of Sorority Life and second season of its "sister show" (pun intended) Fraternity Life will premiere tonight (September 17) on MTV at 10:00 PM ET and 10:30 PM ET respectively.
  • 'Fraternity Life' frat has "recognition" permanently revoked by university

    June 17, 2003
    The student newspaper of University Of California at Santa Cruz reports that the university has announced that it has "revoked recognition" of the Delta Omega Chi fraternity over an incident last month that resulted in the death of a campus koi fish. The revocation, which is permanent, means that the campus has severed all ties to the fraternity. Without UCSC affiliation, the fraternity will no longer have access to campus services or facilities.
  • MTV's 'Fraternity Life' in trouble with the law again

    June 11, 2003
    Two seasons of MTV's show Fraternity Life, two fraternities in trouble with both their universities and the law. The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports that two members of the Delta Omega Chi fraternity at the University of California -- Santa Cruz ("UCSC") have been charged with a pair of misdemeanors for a stunt performed for the MTV cameras. The two allegedly stole a fish from a UCSC reflecting pond on May 20, fried it, and then forced fraternity pledges to eat it,
  • MTV picks up both 'Sorority Life' and 'Fraternity Life' for another season

    May 5, 2003
    Zap2It reports that MTV is bringing back "Sorority Life" for a third season and "Fraternity Life" for a second season. Both new seasons have already been shooting and will premiere in September 2003. The new edition of "Sorority Life" will follow the girls of the Zeta Sigma Phi pledge class at the University of Southern California. "Fraternity Life" will focus on the University of California at Santa Cruz chapter of Delta Omega Chi.
  • MTV's 'Fratenity Life' prank may lead to real criminal charges

    March 28, 2003
    Uh ... who had the bright idea to spin off the show about the college guys?
  • 'Sorority Life 2' and 'Fraternity Life' greek organizations announced

    September 4, 2002
    The NY Post reports that MTV's upcoming second season of 'Sorority Life' and its spin-off 'Fraternity Life' reality TV programs will follow adventures of pledge classes from the University of Buffalo's local Greek organizations, Sigma Chi Omega fraternity and Delta Xi Omega sorority. As with the sorority featured during the first season of 'Sorority Life,' neither group is nationally affiliated.
  • MTV to film second edition of 'Sorority Life' -- also adds spinoff 'Fraternity Life' series

    August 26, 2002
    BuffaloNews.com reports that MTV has ordered a second edition of 'Sorority Life' and will be filming it at a University of Buffalo sorority. An addition, a new second series called "Fraternity Life' -- featuring you guessed it, fraternity brothers -- will be filmed on the same campus. An MTV spokeswoman declined to comment, saying final agreements have yet to be signed, however sources say a formal announcement is expected next week.
  • Go greek -- MTV's 'Sorority Life' premieres Monday, June 24th

    June 24, 2002
    MTV's latest Real World wanna-be show, 'Sorority Life' premieres Monday, June 24th at 10:30PM. 'Sorority Life' follows a group of University of California - Davis students for 10 weeks as they pledge Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi, a 4-year-old Jewish sorority that was previously little known on its own campus.

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