Survivor: Blood vs. Water News
December 19, 2013
Survivor: Blood vs. Water castaway Tina Wesson talks about whether she really considered throwing the duel to keep her daughter in the game, whom she believes could've beaten Tyson in the end, and how she feels about Vytas dating Katie now that she's watched the season on TV.
December 19, 2013
Survivor: Blood vs. Water winner Tyson Apostol talks about whether he thinks Gervase and/or Monica rode his coattails all season, whether he was ever worried either ally would flip on him, and what he has to say about Vytas holding a grudge and denying him his jury vote.
December 18, 2013
Survivor: Blood vs. Water's Ciera Eastin opens up about whether she regrets not flipping on Tyson when she could've worked with Hayden and Caleb, when she realized she was No. 4 in her alliance, whether she was ever convinced Monica would flip, and whom she believes could've defeated Tyson in the Final 3.
December 18, 2013
Survivor: Blood vs. Water castaway Gervase Peterson talks about whether he was surprised he didn't receive a single jury vote, why he argues he certainly made big moves in the game, and why he thought his chances to win were best sitting next to Monica and Tyson over anyone else.
December 17, 2013
Survivor: Blood vs. Water's Monica Culpepper talks about whether she ever came close to flipping on Tyson and Gervase and why she feels she was misunderstood during the game and didn't make many social connections with her tribemates while playing.
December 16, 2013
Survivor: Blood vs. Water crowned Tyson Apostol the winner of its $1 million grand prize during the live portion of Sunday night's finale broadcast on CBS from CBS Television City in Los Angeles, CA.
December 16, 2013
Survivor: Blood vs. Water winner Tyson Apostol talks to Reality TV World about why he chose to draw rocks earlier in the season, whether he feels Hayden or his alliance members deserved the credit for Ciera flipping, and what he admits he lied about for strategic reasons that's since made him feel a bit guilty.
December 13, 2013
Survivor: Blood vs. Water castaway Katie Collins talks about what criteria she based her jury vote on, what she feels happened between herself and Vytas during the game, whether she was surprised Tyson chose to draw rocks, and why she doesn't think Gervase has a shot at winning the season.
December 12, 2013
Survivor: Blood vs. Water's Katie Collins talks about whether she truly didn't want her mother to throw the duel and was ultimately surprised she didn't, why she really thinks Monica didn't flip on Tyson and Gervase, and whether she believes Ciera and Monica have any shot to win the game.
December 12, 2013
Survivor has been renewed for two more seasons -- its 29th and 30th editions -- by CBS.