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The Amazing Race 5 News

  • The Amazing Race 5 - Episode 7 summary

    August 20, 2004
    "Only In Kenya!," our episode summary for the seventh episode of CBS' The Amazing Race 5 series, written by I_AM_HE, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 5 - Episode 5 summary

    August 10, 2004
    "A Tough Act To Follow," our episode summary for the fifth episode of CBS' The Amazing Race 5 series, written by thetick, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 5 - Episode 4 summary

    August 2, 2004
    "I Promise Not To Caviar In Your Mouth," our episode summary for the fourth episode of CBS' The Amazing Race 5 series, written by landruajm, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 5 - Episode 3 summary

    July 23, 2004
    "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina, The Truth Is I Never Left You," our episode summary for the third episode of CBS' The Amazing Race 5 series, written by dajaki, is now available.
  • 'The Amazing Race 5' keeps rolling, third episode continues strong ratings run

    July 21, 2004
    Congratulations The Amazing Race fans, it's starting to look more and more like this is the summer that The Amazing Race stops being a critically acclaimed but modestly rated series and starts becoming a bona fide ratings hit. It's amazing what apparently one Emmy award win can accomplish.
  • The Amazing Race 5 - Episode 2 summary

    July 15, 2004
    "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" or "Every Dog Has Its Day," our episode summary for the second episode of CBS' The Amazing Race 5 series, written by ginger, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 5 - "TAR: TSI" Episode 2

    July 15, 2004
    "I’m With Stupid," the second installment of our weekly "TAR: TSI" (TAR Stupidity Index) feature is now available. Written by long-time Reality TV World writer Andrea Sellers, each week "TAR: TSI" takes a look back at the Amazing Race contestants and rates them according to their stupid moves.
  • The Amazing Race 5 - Episode 1 summary

    July 12, 2004
    "Where's the beef?," our episode summary for the premiere episode of CBS' The Amazing Race 5 series, written by samiam, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 5 - "TAR: TSI" Episode 1

    July 11, 2004
    "Nice Guys Finish Last," the first installment of our weekly "TAR: TSI" (TAR Stupidity Index) feature is now available. Written by long-time Reality TV World writer Andrea Sellers, each week "TAR: TSI" takes a look back at the Amazing Race contestants and rates them according to their stupid moves.
  • CBS' 'The Amazing Race 5' premiere delivers best ratings since 'The Amazing Race 3' finale

    July 8, 2004
    Tuesday's season premiere of CBS' The Amazing Race 5 got the series off to a great start, with the first post-victory broadcast of last year's Emmy-award winning reality show winning its time period and drawing the program's best rating performance since the finale of The Amazing Race 3.



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