The day had dawned, and the house was quiet. Too quiet, according to Rachel... who had been complaining since day one that she’d had to share the house, man and show with fourteen other women. Fortunately, most of them were gone by now, and Rachel would soon have one whole freaking dollar Pre$ton all to herself. The day had dawned, and Jordan had awoken the five remaining women. Conveniently, they were all sleeping in the same bedroom, and in only three beds. The fact was, the mansion was huge, but Jordan’s contract only required him to deliver the message once, so the girls had to accommodate. Certain allowances got made for big stars like the host of For Love or Money. They were so hard to replace these days.
Jordan’s message was bittersweet. Preston, the blundering idiot dashing hero would be along shortly to collect the women for romantic dates, however, only four of them would get to go. PJ, Rebekah and Ali laughed nervously at the news, but Rachel wept bitter tears of sorrow. Once again she would be forced to sit around the enormous house eating bon-bons while other women were fawning over her beloved Pre$ton. What a cruel game love is, Rachel thought as she hurried to the bathroom to dress. It was important that she look her best today so that Pre$ton would choose her for one of the dates.
The women were lined up outside the mansion as Preston’s limousine pulled up. Looking out of the window, Preston wondered which one he should choose. Should he choose the lovely Andrea, whose check was worth $500,000, and whose anorexic alluring bare midriff was calling out to him from between a short white blouse and blue cotton pants? Yes, Preston decided, transfixed. Andrea is a wonderful choice for my first date today.
Getting out of the limo, Preston announced his selection- to the dismay of the other four women. Tramp, thought Rachel, narrowing her eyes and flipping her hair defiantly. PJ forced a smile and resigned herself, along with Rebekah and Ali, to waiting anxiously for four hours until the next date. Surely he’ll pick me next, each girl was thinking to herself. He just has to!
“I’m going to do dishes on your stomach,” Preston whispered to Andrea seductively when they were finally alone in the limousine.
Andrea giggled. “Oh, Preston! You’re soooo charming.” She batted her eyes and blushed a little. “What a clever way to say that I have great abs. You’re so smart.”
The car pulled up outside the Moonlight Rollerway. It was the cool new hangout for all the teenagers in town. Andrea couldn’t think of any place she’d rather be. She saw Preston checking out her abs again, and decided to amaze him with her disco moves. Soon Andrea and Preston were laughing and dancing and having a wonderful time. Yet, neither of them could stop thinking about the money. It was a dark cloud hovering over their otherwise sunny rollerdisco date.
Leaning across the table that had been set up in the middle of the rink, Andrea watched Preston suspiciously. He knew something he wasn’t telling her: the value of her check. She wished she could read his thoughts.
I think that look means she wants to kiss me, Preston thought. Was there anything more romantic than this? Any moment more perfect? Besides, he almost chuckled to himself, her check is for a half million dollars, and she’s totally cute. Out of all my women, Andrea is definitely the most bang for my buck. Smiling, Preston locked eyes with Andrea, then took her hands in his and kissed her softly.