The show begins with a recap worthy of a finale of The Apprentice. In order to get caught up quickly just keep in mind the men have lost two challenges and the women once. Beginning weight loss for this week is a combined 386 pounds. Who loses the most weight this week? Who wins the challenge? Who gets the boot?
Caroline Rhea (I don’t understand why she isn’t competing rather than hosting) gathers the teams to the gazebo for some big news. Caroline appears in a wrap around skirt made with the sheet taken from her king size bed, a white wife beater and a cover shirt that looks like the curtains that matched the sheets. She informs the teams that they are headed to Sin City…Vegas baby! Here is where I begin to think of the irony of the situation as they are called the biggest losers and they are going to Vegas. Shouldn’t they be called this LEAVING Vegas? Anyway, everyone is very excited and shout as if they have just won the Powerball lottery.
The group arrives at the Aladdin Hotel and Caroline greats them in the lobby. Caroline proceeds to tell them they will be staying in suites on the 50th floor and will be eating dinner at Planet Hollywood. Planet Hollywood? Couldn’t NBC afford to send them to a nice place or cater in food that best fits their diet needs? Even though I don’t understand everyone is screaming and shouting as if they are very happy. Planet Hollywood?
At dinner Matt lies to the wait staff to lead them to believe it is his birthday. Planet Hollywood supplies a birthday cake with a candle on top. Matt wishes it was his birthday and blows out the candle. Someone asks if he is going to share the cake and he says no and eats the entire cake! The catch? The cake was the size of a half dollar.
Everyone goes out gambling after dinner and we see Matt lose at Blackjack and Suzanne going to the slots. Suzanne stays at one machine as she says it will payoff sooner than later. Sure enough she hits a jackpot and wins over $1,600!
Bob (my new found lust) and Jillian show the losers exercises they can do in a hotel room. They really are basic exercises like push-ups, crunches and sit-ups but everyone seems to be absorbing the info. I just enjoyed watching Bob explain the exercises.
The Temptation
A card dealer from the hotel meets the losers in a high stakes room to explain the rules of the next temptation challenge. The card dealer is a female appearing to be in the 30’ish range with mall hair. Oh you know the style…the front is a toned down version of the 80’s teased to Jesus look with the rest just a stringy mess all over her head. Also, keep in mind her dark roots and blond frizzy tips lead me to believe she hasn’t visited a CVS store in a couple of months!
The card dealer has a deck of cards with dollar amounts ranging from one to $5,000 on the cards. The losers will be given the opportunity to draw a card and win the dollar amount on that card. However, if they take a card they give up their access to their trainer until the next weigh-in.
The teams huddle to make up their minds what they want to do. Matt tells the guys if they want to play he (Matt) will workout with Jillian and then train them afterwards so the team doesn’t suffer. On the other hand, a divide is beginning to show with the women because they come to the conclusion that this temptation has nothing to do with teamwork and the decisions should be made individually.
Mark, Seth, Shannon, Suzanne and Jen decide to screw the workouts and go for the money. The dollar amounts:
The dyed hair card dealer then informs the 5 that they could double their winnings by playing a game of high/low. If they guess correctly their amounts will double but if wrong they lose everything. Shannon and Suzanne are the only two that decides to play high/low. The dealer has an 8 and asks Shannon if her card is higher or lower. Shannon says her card is higher than the card dealer’s hair and is correct! Suzanne says her card is lower than 8 and she is correct also. Shannon won $2,000 with Suzanne taking home a cool $5,000.
Bob (my new found lust) and Jillian are very upset that any of them gave up their trainer for a week. The two trainers tell the losers that they are disappointed in the ones that chose to play because they lost sight of why they are there. Bob (my new found lust = MNFL) has just realized that the women are not working as a team and there is a divide between those that gave into temptation and those that didn’t. So, that makes it Andrea, Suzy and Ryan vs. Shannon, Suzanne and Jen. Bob (MNFL) pulls aside Andrea, Suzy and Ryan to ensure them that he will give them 110% if they give him 100%! I would give Bob (MNFL) everything I had and then some if he would just ask for it!