Big Brother evicted Dominic Briones and ended the season's initial "duos" gameplay twist during Thursday night's broadcast of the thirteenth season's third live eviction show.
Rachel, a 27-year-old chemistry graduate student and VIP cocktail waitress from Las Vegas, NV, had nominated Dominic for eviction along with Adam Poch, whom Dominic had been partnered with as part of the "duos" gameplay twist.
Brendon Villegas, Rachel's former twelfth-season "showmance" partner turned real-life fiance, then won the subsequent Power of Veto competition and opted to keep his "duo" partner's nominations unchanged -- resulting in Dominic's ouster during the live show.
Ironically, Dominic had intentionally thrown the Power of Veto competition believing he had cut a deal with Rachel and Brendon in which he was merely a "pawn" and Adam would be voted off instead.
However, Rachel and Brendon then learned Dominic had formed an alliance with returning eighth-season houseguest Danielle Donato and Danielle -- who had previously won a Big Brother Golden Key and was therefore immune from nomination -- was hoping to convince Rachel and Brendon to turn on allies Jordan Lloyd and Jeff Schroeder and vote off Jeff.
"Dominic, I feel a little bit bad for you, you're taking the fall a little bit for partnering up with Danielle... you got left holding the bag," said Shelly Moore, who shared Dominic and Danielle's plan with Rachel and Brendon after Dominic made the mistake of confiding in her.
After Dominic's eviction, Big Brother host Julie Chen confirmed that, as originally announced, the initial "duos" gameplay twist was ending now that only 10 houseguests were left in the competition.
"Congratulations on making it to the Top 10. From this minute on, everything changes -- Golden Key holders, you're back in the game, and everyone is on their own. The duo twist is over and each of you will now play as an individual," Julie said.
"But keep in mind houseguests, the summer and the twists are far from over."
The remaining houseguests -- minus Rachel, who as the outgoing HoH, was ineligible to compete -- then competed in the season's fourth HoH competition.
Dubbed "Big Brother Slalom," the endurance challenge required the houseguests to hold onto "ski poles" and remain standing on "skis" for as long as possible as the skis swayed and the wall their pole handles were mounted to began to slide into an inverted position. The last houseguest standing would become the fourth Head of Household while the first five eliminated houseguests would have to select mystery "snowballs" that contained both "good" and "bad" prizes.
While the results of the challenge are already known to the show's 24/7 live Internet feed viewers, CBS will reveal the winner during Sunday night's Big Brother broadcast. (If you don't want to wait until then to find out what happened, highlight the area below.)

Danielle won the challenge and became the next HoH.
Big Brother's next thirteenth-season episode will air Sunday, July 31 at 8PM ET/PT.
About The Author: Steven Rogers