James Zinkand, a 21-year-old from Sarasota, FL, became the second individual houseguest evicted from Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part during last night's live broadcast of the CBS reality show -- only to be immediately brought back into the competition as part of a ninth-season twist.
James' former "perfect-match" partner Chelsia Hart, a 21-year-old college student from Cedar Falls, IA, had initially been nominated for eviction until she won the Power of Veto competition during Tuesday night's broadcast. Once she took herself off the block, Ryan nominated James, who was evicted over Sharon Obermueller, Ryan's other original eviction nominee.
Prior to James' eviction being revealed, host Julie Chen assembled previously evicted houseguests Jacob Heald, Jen Diturno, Parker Somerville, Amanda Hansen, Alex Coladonato and Allison Nichols -- who had each been sequestered with their perfect-match partner after leaving the house (Jacob and Allison were sequestered alone).
"One of you has a chance to return to Big Brother, and this is how it's going to work," said Julie. "For the last week, America has been voting to give one of you the chance to return to the Big Brother house. In a few seconds, I'm going to tell you who they chose. But, whoever wins -- don't get too excited too soon, because the power will then shift to the houseguests, who will vote live to bring back either the houseguest they evict tonight or you. The twist is, your identity will be kept secret from the houseguests because you will be hidden in a mystery box. Will they vote back the devil they know, or the devil they don't?"
Julie then revealed Parker received the second-highest number of home viewer votes before informing Alex he'd be the previously evicted houseguest who would be eligible to be brought back into the competition.
James' eviction was then revealed and he gave a hug and a kiss to Chelsia -- whom he's also romantically involved with -- and exited the Big Brother house. Julie inquired as to why none of the other houseguests bid farewell to James.
"I wanted everyone that way. I told everyone to sit down," James explained. "I didn't want to say goodbye to all the people that gave me their word and didn't go through with it. This is how the house works and it's a house of people that really don't stick to their word."
Julie asked James if he "had a feeling" he'd be booted.
"Yes, absolutely," he answered before explaining his feelings for Chelsia.
"I really like Chelsia," he said. "Everyone thought we were probably a couple in the house and to be honest, I told her that I wanted to hang out with her when we got out of here. I'm bicycling around the world -- so if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't... I'm just down with the flow. I'll do whatever it takes. She's a great girl and I'm really glad I met her -- on reality TV of all places."
Julie then informed James he may be seeing Chelsia sooner than he expected.
"What if I told you this may not be the end of the line for you?" she asked.

"I would say Julie I might crap my pants," he answered. "That would be awesome."
Julie explained the twist to James and the same annoying horn that had sounded before last week's eviction twist began sounding again, signaling that all the houseguests reconvene in the living room.
Several of the houseguests immediately began speculating James might be coming back, while a few others thought a previously evicted houseguest would return. Julie then explained the twist to the houseguests and each cast a live Diary Room vote for whether they wanted James or the mystery box.
Ryan, Sheila Kennedy and Matt McDonald voted for the mystery box; while Chelsia, Joshuah Welch, Natalie Cunial, Adam Jasinski and Sharon voted for James -- meaning he was reintroduced to the competition by a 5-3 vote. James exploded out of the mystery box in the center of the Big Brother house's living room and was mobbed by those who voted for him to return.
Following James' reinstatement, the nine houseguests -- minus Ryan, who as the outgoing HoH, was deemed ineligible to compete -- competed in the ninth season's second individual HoH competition.
Dubbed "Big Brother Disco," each houseguest stood on a gold disc above a disco ball suspended from a hanging chain. As they were hoisted into the air, Julie explained they had to remain standing upright -- since no crouching was allowed -- and the last remaining houseguest holding onto the chain would become HoH.
During the first few minutes of the challenge, Julie asked James how it felt to be back in the house after his brief departure.
"It feels great to be around all the people that voted me out," he answered.
While the results of the challenge are already known to the show's 24/7 live Internet feed viewers, CBS will reveal the winner during Sunday night's Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part broadcast. (If you don't want to wait until then to find out what happened, highlight the area below.)
James won the challenge and became the second individual HoH.
Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part's next episode will air Sunday, March 16 at 8PM ET/PT on CBS.
About The Author: Christopher Rocchio