The Bachelorette star Andi Dorfman and new fiance Josh Murray are ready to embark on their new lives together in public and away from a camera crew.
During a Tuesday conference call with reporters, Andi and Josh talked to Reality TV World about the drama that went down with Nick. Below is what they had to say.
Reality TV World: Andi, you told Nick during After the Final Rose that you were never in love with him, and if you had been, you would've told him. But you also never told Josh you loved him. Then, you told Jimmy Kimmel it took you until the morning of the proposal to be sure Josh was the one for you. So does that mean you weren't in love with Josh either until the very end, and why was your pick such a last-minute decision if you were sure your feelings for Nick weren't as strong?
Andi Dorfman: No, I think I said if I felt like I loved Nick, I would've said it. And I did feel like I loved Josh and that's why I said it to him at the very end. You know, when he was the last guy standing, I thought that was the appropriate time to tell him and I wanted to share that with Josh.
Reality TV World: Andi, you were surprisingly very composed when you dumped Nick, as you had gotten much more emotional when eliminating, say, Cody Sattler and Chris Soules. Could you talk about why it played out that way?
Andi Dorfman: It was just as emotionally hard, I think, sending each and every guy home. Obviously the timing of it is different, but they're all hard. They're all hard to send home.
Andi, you said you let Nick go before the Rose Ceremony because you had so much respect for him. Did you lose any of that respect after he disclosed such personal information about you two on After the Final Rose?
Andi Dorfman: I mean, I think everyone is probably in agreeance that it wasn't the most tasteful route that Nick chose to go on After the Final Rose, but you know, it doesn't negate the relationship that I had with him, which was one out of respect.
Reality TV World: Josh, had you known about Andi and Nick having sex prior to their awkward exchange on last night's show or did you just find that out? And was it something that bothered you or did you understand and feel like it was just part of the process?
Josh Murray: Yeah, no, that's something that I think is a little personal to talk about. It's really not a big deal.
Also during the call, the happy couple revealed a little bit more about their relationship, including what they learned about one another after getting engaged.
You guys joked about Josh preferring blondes over brunettes. I recall that being one of the questions during a previous group date's lie-detector test. Did you guys look at Josh's test results together? Josh, could you reveal the two things you had lied about?

Josh Murray: You know what's funny? I think it's hilarious, the lie-detector test, because we were talking about it and you know what? We both lied twice, so I think we're just a match made in heaven. We're perfect for each other!
Andi Dorfman: I know he lied about the brunettes and blondes! (Laughs)
Josh Murray: (Laughs) We're best friends, so we're so open and honest with each other it doesn't even matter!
Josh, what was going through your mind when you watched Nick call Andi out during After the Final Rose regarding the fantasy suite?
Josh Murray: Yeah, well the thing is, I didn't even see that. I was backstage getting ready to see my beautiful fiancee and make the night about us and not Nick. So I didn't see any of that nor do I care to see that.
Were you just boiling inside after hearing Nick reveal he had slept with Andi? How were you feeling when you heard Nick had done that to her? Many people saw it as a low blow.
Josh Murray: Yeah, to be honest, it was very classless and disrespectful. It just shows the type of person that he really is, and I don't associate myself with those kind of people -- and neither does Andi. So it's nice that that's over with now and, really, he's of no concern to us or our lives.
What were you most surprised to learn about one another after you got engaged on the show?
Andi Dorfman: Okay, I better say something sweet now. (Laughs)
Josh Murray: Yeah, damn right! (Laughs)
Andi Dorfman: I, ugh, I have to think of something really sweet. I mean, to be honest, every day I am amazed at how good-looking he is. I look at him sometimes and I'm like, "Dang! My fiance is hot!" I think he gets hotter every single day, more and more.
Josh Murray: Yeah that's right!
Andi Dorfman: It's through the roof now!
Check back with Reality TV World soon for more from Andi and Josh's interview.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski