Previously on For Love Or Money 3… shocking twist. Values range between $1 and $1 million. 6 are left. Preston knows the check amounts. There were dates, exclusions, private dates, kisses… 4 more were eliminated. 6 are left.
Rachel, PJ, Rebekah, Andrea, Jamie, and Ali
So they’re talking trash, and then arrives Mr. Host. There’s something they need to discuss. Oh wait a minute… the twist of the twist! Preston knows! He even knows the amounts! And now they know he knows. But he doesn’t know they know he knows. Get it? Good.
He gives them advice. Think about your dates. How were they? Did he use you? Abuse you? Well, enjoy your weekend.
Now the girls think he’s playing the game to win their money. So… maybe they’re playing for money but he’s playing THEM to win THEIR money. Follow?
This show is making my head hurt today.
Commercial. Thank goodness. I need to sort all this out.
We’re back. No, I haven’t sorted it out yet. Did you think one little commercial break would be enough time? This hurts more than the typical conversations I overhear in the middle school. Like, she goes, and OHMYGOD, and, like, okay…
Oh, how cute does that Garfield movie look? No, it doesn’t. It’s kinda creepy to have all humans and a CGI cat. Oh, and a real dog. Nope, Odie’s not CGI. I just thought it was weird and I’m not sure why the whole world’s against me on this one… back to business.
The girls talk about the possibility that he’s playing for love. Not money. Because, really, he could be playing for love… or money.
The girls arrive in the parlor and they each have to place a heart or a dollar sign next to the pictures of the girls that they think are here for love… or money.
PJ thinks Rebekah is playing for love. She thinks Rachel is in it for money.
Jamie is up. She concurs that Rachel is in it for money. She picked PJ for love.
Andrea picks Ali for love, and Rachel for money.
Rachel complains that they all picked her. (UM? She’s not exactly quiet about her wants here.)
Ali picks Jamie for heart. She also picks Rachel for dollar sign.
Rachel puts heart on PJ. Dollar on Jamie, because Preston finds her attractive.
Rebekah picks Rachel for dollar and PJ for heart.
PJ and Rachel get picked forward. They’re there for love or money, only, according to the other girls. They each win a date with Preston. They get the chance to learn the value of the check. Whoever wins the coin toss will learn the amount. The coin is in the air… and… and… commercial.
This was the longest commercial break in history. And I don’t mean that metaphorically, like the suspense was killing me so badly that I felt glaciers were moving by outside my door. There were really a LOT of commercials here. I think I wasted a good few minutes fast forwarding, so I can only imagine how much it upset me on the first go. No, I don’t remember. It’s been a long week.
Finally, the show returns. The coin goes up (again)… and… and… and… Heart! PJ gets to see how much she’s worth. You know we were all pulling for Rachel, but that would’ve made us too happy, and she would’ve bailed out of the show too soon, thereby leaving the boring rest of them. So, of course it was PJ. She finds out how much she’s playing for, and he tells them ALL. Oh, come on. You remember. It was $25K. And *I*’m the stoner. Pshaw.
PJ gets to switch her check with anyone’s. Uh oh… what will she do? She keeps it, to prove to everyone that she’s in it for the love, not the money. Rachel is glad she didn’t trade with her because PJ’s check is “crappy.”
The rest of them are going on group dates. Arrives the limo. The girls are discussing how it’s fair to go on this group date as they ride around in this limo. Andrea is thinking straight. There are no alliances in FLOM. Duh.
Preston looked good. They all sit down on this straw mat in a glass shack and eat out of cardboard containers.
Jamie goes for a walk with him. He asked her questions. She likes funny guys. Funny like a clown. Here to amuse you. Jamie isn’t sure he’s worth a million dollars even though he’s cute and all that.
Preston pulls Andrea out. She’s very affectionate. Read: slutty. She touches him all over. He can’t keep this PG-13 because she’s evil. Stay away, devil woman! So they walk back. She’s all on him, and he looks a little uncomfortable, actually, as they arrive back in view of the other women.
Ali is ready to quit. She’s the only one worth a mil, and he sees no chemistry with her. Why does he off all the millionaires? Doesn’t he know he’s supposed to steal the money from them? Did I make that up? I’m confused as to how this works now.
So they get back and Rachel is asking a billion questions. The girls are annoyed with her intense questioning. I am, too, but I thoroughly enjoy the trash-talking the girls do in their confessionals about her. What I don’t get is why they don’t just tell her to her face. I need to see a good catfight. Then my day will be made.
And it’s morning. The girls aren’t talking as much ans being very friendly. They all are pulling against Rachel. He says he’s the most comfortable with her out of everyone. He arrives to pick her up for their date. Did he say he missed her? Ick.
He gives her flowers that are for Bob and Kay. But we don’t know who they are. So… where –are- they going? Hmmm…
They make icky small-talk and then start kissing. Now Rachel isn’t sure if he likes her, or if he wants the money. Then she got all excited… wow… “I must have a big ol’ check.”
So they get to the place, and it’s a 62nd weddning anniversary party for Bob and Kay. They give the flowers. They dance with the oldest people alive on earth today.
Aww. Rachel’s only worth a dollar, but he really likes her. Again… aww.
Rachel had fun today. Bleh. Yeah, right. It must’ve stunk like old people. She probably wants to run home and sanitize it all off.
So they talk some more. I’m bored. She gets back to the house and it’s her mission to make everyone jealous. Or, that’s the byproduct of whatever her real intentions were. She lies about having kissed him. Then she says she wishes he would’ve given her a little tongue. I’m not even kidding. She really said this. Of course, it was to her own gorgeous reflection and well out of earshot of the other girls. So I’m assuming. But she definitely said it. *shudder*