90 Day Fiance featured Stevi questioning Mahdi's motive for the first time, Jordan giving her dad Mark an ultimatum, Amani establishing rules for her throuple, Joan learning a hard truth, and Shawn pumping the brakes with Alliya during the Season 11 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.

The new 90 Day Fiance season stars three returning couples: Shekinah from Los Angeles, CA, and Sarper from Istanbul, Turkey; Shawn from Los Angeles, CA, and Alliya from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; and Jessica from Torrington, WY, and Juan from Cali, Colombia.


The three new couples on the show are Stevi from Hattiesburg, MS, and Mahdi from Tehran, Iran; Mark from West Ossipee, NH, and Mina from Paris, France; and Gregory from Islip Terrace, NY, and Joan from Kampala, Uganda.

90 Day Fiance's eleventh season will also chronicle the lives of its first-ever throuple: Matt and Amani from San Diego, CA, as well as Any from Tijuana, Mexico.

90 Day Fiance documents the journeys of intercultural couples -- Americans and their foreign partners -- navigating the complexities of love, cultural differences, and societal pressures.

With just 90 days to wed before their K-1 visas expire, the couples must overcome significant hurdles or potentially break up.

Shekinah and Sarper previously starred on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way's sixth season.

Shawn and Alliya, who have a 30-year age gap between them, previously appeared on 90 Day Fiance: Love in Paradise.

And Juan and Jessica were also featured on 90 Day Fiance: Love in Paradise.

Below is what happened on Episode 6 of 90 Day Fiance's eleventh season.


Sarper just landed in the U.S. and was beginning to adjust to Shekinah's life in Los Angeles, CA.

Sarper complained that Shekinah didn't have a bidet. He told her that man invented the four most important things: fire, the wheel, Internet and the bidet.

Sarper had proudly used a bidet for 45 years, and he called Shekinah "a dictator" for setting so many rules for him.

Sarper told Shekinah that he loved her place and it was so cute, but he vented in a confessional about how it was very small and he wasn't expecting their living conditions to be so tight.

Sarper was also going to have to share Shekinah's place with her clients. Sarper wished Shekinah had been more transparent with him, and he compared her home to a prison.

"We are going to be inmates together," Sarper quipped to Shekinah's dog.

Shekinah realized this was going to be a bigger challenge than she thought, but Sarper gushed about how Shekinah was beautiful and so that made the situation better.

Sarper boasted about how Shekinah was going to be the first woman he was going to "f-ck in the United States."

The next day, Shekinah took Sarper to the beach, and he ran in the sand wearing red shorts like he was right out of Baywatch.

Shekinah said she and Sarper still needed to build trust because his past made her question if he could be loyal to her long-term. Shekinah didn't want Sarper to abuse her trust.

"I don't know if Sarper and I will be ready to get married in 90 days. Consistency is everything," Shekinah noted in a confessional.

"I know you changed so much, so rapidly, that it makes me wonder if it's not something you can sustain. I just worry, in the future, something is going to happen and I'm going to regret trusting you."

Sarper wasn't sure Shekinah would ever fully trust him, but he said she needed to let go of her insecurities and allow him to feel freedom or else he'd dump her and return to Turkey.


Jordan asked to speak with Mark in private, and Jordan shared how Mina had uninvited her to their wedding.

"If that's how it's going to be, I don't want to be there anyways," Jordan lamented to her dad.

"I feel like there are a ton of red flags that you're just brushing over," she added.


Jordan explained how she wasn't okay with Mark having more babies and if he decided to go ahead with that, she wouldn't to be a part of his life.

Mark didn't know how to proceed because he refused to choose between his wife and his daughter. Mark, however, told Jordan that she was coming to the wedding no matter what.

Jordan questioned if Mina was going to have more babies with Mark and then take off with his money, but Mark shared how Mina made him happy and they already had a baby together.

"You're literally trying to dictate my happiness going forward. You're judging something that I can't change," Mark lamented to his daughter.

Jordan told her dad that he could do whatever he wanted but she didn't really want to be around his new family.

Mina, meanwhile, called the situation "torture," and she said if Mark didn't support her, she'd probably return to Paris alone. Mina wanted to feel accepted, but that obviously wasn't the case.

Jordan was supposed to spend the entire day with her dad, but she decided to leave.

"This is wrong. I'm not doing it," Jordan told her dad while walking away.

That night, Greg and Joan went to a restaurant to meet two of his close friends, John and Jon.

Greg opened up about how he wanted to start a bakery, but Greg's friends pointed out how he didn't have unlimited funds and a steady source of income would be a good option for him.

Greg's friends wanted to see him "get a real job" and move out of his mother's home. Greg's pals were worried that Joan wasn't going to be happy and she'd eventually kick Greg to the curb.

Mark said although he had started the drama by telling Mina what Jordan had told him in confidence, he said the women needed to fix their issues and get along.

But Mina wanted to go back to New Hampshire and not spend time with his family. Mina complained that she was tired of "trying" when people were accusing her of being a gold digger and weren't accepting her.


Amani woke up angry and upset after learning Matt and Any had sex behind her back when she wasn't feeling well.

Amani said she felt jealous and disrespected, and Any took the blame because she had initiated sex with Matt. Any said she felt "sad and bad" for hurting Amani and she didn't want any more fighting in her life.

Amani explained how it was all about communication and Matt needed to tell her when he wanted to hook up with Any without her.

"I felt like I expressed myself and then got teamed up on," Matt complained. "Any mentioned it... being thoughtful, considerate and respectful."

"I don't think a man will ever understand this, not only him," Any said.

Matt complained, "I do the normal thing we do and then all of a sudden I'm crucified for it. I don't get it."

Amani explained to Any how she was walking into a pre-existing relationship of 10 years which already had its own problems. Amani said introducing a new person into the relationship was a lot for her.

Matt told the cameras that he didn't want to put his marriage and family at risk, and Amani noted how she didn't want to lose Matt under any circumstances.

"I couldn't exist in this life without you. I don't know who I am without you," Amani told her husband.

The trio later enjoyed a romantic picnic, and Matt was set on getting things back on track. Matt said there were a lot of expectations for him and he didn't want to hurt or disappoint either woman.

Matt therefore asked the women if they could set some rules and boundaries, and Any said she never wanted to go to bed angry.

Matt shared how he needed a chance to talk during disagreements, and Amani asked if everyone was allowed to have sex with each other without one partner's permission.

"I would like to be in the known," Amani said. "I think [I want to give permission]."

"But I don't need permission," Matt quipped, before telling his wife, "Enjoy yourself."


Shawn was cleaning his place in Los Angeles, CA, in preparation of Alliya's arrival because he said, as a nurse in Brazil, she was extremely clean and borderline OCD.

Shawn was excited to enjoy daily life with Alliya and see how they'd interact, from having coffee together to sharing a space. He just didn't want Alliya to feel like he was holding her back from being her true and full self.

When the pair reunited in the airport, Shawn kissed and hugged Alliya, and Shawn's dog got a lot of love as well.


Shawn said he had only spent one trip to Brazil with the new Alliya and so their relationship was fairly new.

When Alliya stepped into Shawn's home, she said she felt like she had stepped into a different time.

Shawn called his home-decor style "eclectic." Shawn had dinosaurs on the walls, antiques, and Hollywood memorabilia everywhere.

Alliya, however, loved Shawn's outdoor space, and they enjoyed a charcuterie board before bed.

Shawn revealed how everything was "fine and dandy" after his STD testing. The pair had an open relationship up until this point, and so it was important for the both of them to get checked.

"I'm not out having all of this sex with all of these people. It hasn't been that way," Shawn told Alliya.

Alliya asked Shawn if he wanted to continue having an open relationship, and Shawn said they should save that conversation for another day since she had just arrived.

Alliya didn't like hearing that. Now that she was in the U.S., she thought Shawn was going to want to be exclusive with her. This made her wonder if Shawn truly accepted and was happy with her new appearance.

But Shawn explained how once Douglas disappeared, their relationship changed.

"I didn't sign up to be in a relationship with a woman, so if she's going to fully be a woman, then I know that I'll be missing the company of being with a man. So I don't know how to navigate it where we're both happy," Shawn explained in a confessional.

Shawn realized that Alliya wanted a happily-ever-after type of romance and to get married, but he wasn't sure he could give that to her.

Shawn had been married before and it didn't work out, so he was fearful of tying the knot again.

The next day, Shawn and Alliya had a natural and easy night together, and then they went on a hike and had a picnic.

Shawn shared with Alliya how his mother was aware of their relationship but his friends were out of the loop. Shawn said he didn't want to deal with his friends' questions and concerns until they could meet Alliya.


Mahdi went to a barbershop in Stevi's town, and he hated how his beard came out. Stevi tried to fill out his mustache with makeup, but that didn't look great either.

The couple then went to a coffee shop together, and Stevi brought up how Mahdi had asked her, "What if I want to go back home?"

Stevi was worried that Mahdi didn't want to stay with her long-term, and she had spoken to her friends about it.

"It was just a feeling, and if I want to be honest, I missed my parents more on the first day. It's always on my mind, not going back, but seeing my family," Mahdi explained.

Stevi said if Mahdi returned to Iran, he wouldn't be able to re-enter the United States and so their relationship would be over.

Mahdi admitted he couldn't promise Stevi that he'd never leave her.

"I always thought if you didn't want to be with me, I'd stay in the U.S.," Mahdi told his fiance. "But now, I don't feel that way anymore."

This was the first time Mahdi ever mentioned that their relationship may not work out, and because Mahdi had considered staying in America without her, she questioned his motive for the first time.

"For the first time in our whole entire relationship, I'm questioning if this is something I want to do or not," Stevi said in a confessional.

When Stevi got angry and defensive, Mahdi wondered if he had to keep his thoughts to himself going forward.

Mahdi said leaving his family was the hardest thing he ever had to do and Stevi wasn't being understanding or supportive of that.


Greg was showing Joan around Long Island, and she said she was excited to be out of the house and hanging out alone, without Greg's mother.

Greg and Joan took Greg's two dogs for a walk by the water, and Joan appeared a little uncomfortable. Joan explained how Daisy was sweet to her but Lily was skeptical and wary of her arrival.

Greg asked Joan why she didn't want to get intimate the previous night, and Joan admitted it was strange having his mother so close by.

Greg told Joan that it would probably take two years for them to move out and get their own place, and Joan called that plan "crazy."

Joan told the cameras, "Had I known, I'd probably reconsider my decision to come here."

Greg explained how he was $8,000 in debt after applying for the K-1 visa and having car trouble, and Joan acknowledged how she had a different idea of what Greg's life was like in America.

"I'm not happy about this," Joan confessed to the cameras.

Greg told Joan they could save money by cooking all of their own meals, and Joan explained how she was only going to get married once and so she wanted a beautiful wedding dress and a lovely wedding.

Greg said they could probably spend around $500 on a dress, but he noted how they had to budget and be frugal in order to afford these things later on. Greg also said he had some job interviews lined up.

Joan lamented about how she was in a new country and didn't feel secure. She said if things didn't change, she'd head back to Uganda alone.


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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.