Bachelor in Paradise sent three men home and featured Joe Bailey digging himself into a big hole during Sunday night's broadcast on ABC.
Ashley Salter, on the other hand, understood how Clare probably felt pathetic and it must've been tough. Ashley Iaconetti was thrilled about Clare's odd behavior because it made her less attractive to Jared Haibon.
Clare then returned to the Rose Ceremony and Ashley I. handed her rose to Jared. Clare offered her rose to JJ Lane.
"I need this rose badly from [Juelia Kinney]. It's very important to get the rose in order to meet the girl of my dreams, [Samantha Steffen]. Samantha is my dream girl without a doubt, no question," Joe told the cameras.
Juelia knew nothing was happening with Mikey Tenerelli or Jonathan Holloway, so she was excited to continue their romance in Paradise. She believed and trusted Joe despite previously being warned about his motive for being on the show.
Juelia, as expected, then gave her rose to Joe.
The women's decisions left Michael Garofola, Mikey T. and Jonathan without a rose. All three men were therefore eliminated.
Tenley Molzahn felt guilty Michael G. had to leave, but at the same time, she admitted she shouldn't just keep him around because he came on the show just for her. All three guys were disappointed because they had the right intentions. Mikey felt especially bad for Juelia but noted he had tried to help her and she chose not to listen. Juelia thought Mikey and Jonathan had lied to her about Joe. She was convinced Joe wanted to spend more time with her.
Joe said in a confessional that although Juelia would make a great wife, he was just counting down the days and hours until Samantha got there. When Samantha arrived, she planned to make herself known. She also wanted to meet Joe in Paradise, telling Harrison he seemed like a nice, sweet guy and she was done dating players and bad boys.
Right when Samantha met the whole group, Joe had a big smile on his face and Juelia was excited because they had been best friends during Chris Soules' season of The Bachelor. Before she spoke or got to know anyone, Samantha immediately asked Joe to have a chat with her. Juelia felt blindsided by the chain of events.
"Juelia's okay but Samantha is the hottest girl here," Joe told the cameras.
Juelia started crying and had a "sinking feeling." She called Samantha "a perfect specimen" and "one hell of a woman," so she felt she couldn't compete with her. Meanwhile, Joe told Samantha flat out he went to Paradise looking to meet her, and he denied having made a connection with anyone else.

Jared later asked Joe if he had communicated with Samantha prior to the show and he said "no." Tanner knew he was lying because Joe had told him about Samantha before. Jared suggested to Joe he should talk to Juelia before his date, but Joe explained it was just a date and wasn't that big of a deal. Tanner told the cameras Joe never had a romantic interest in Juelia and he was just trying to stick around in Paradise for Samantha.
Juelia felt extremely disrespected because Joe held hands with Samantha in front of her before their date even began. He also never comforted her or had a conversation with her prior to going on the date with Samantha.
On their date, Joe and Samantha took pictures for People magazine and its website. They showed off their "hot bodies" and it was a very sexy photo shoot for the couple. The employees at People magazine pointed out they had a strong connection already, and the pair ended up making out under a shower in some of the pictures. Joe said kissing Samantha was "so amazing," that the world "stood still."
Joe and Samantha then took their date to a pool, where they just madeout some more. Samantha told the cameras their chemistry was "on fire."
Juelia couldn't believe Joe had campaigned so hard for her just to move on so fast. But Joe was completely smitten with Samantha, saying she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen and he didn't care what people thought about him as long as things worked out with his dreamgirl. He no longer cared about Juelia's needs.
Samantha was also crazy about Joe. She said he seemed too good to be true, that he was the sweetest guy. Juelia felt Joe was acting like she didn't even exist, like they had never shared a connection.
Jared, once again, told Joe that he needed to talk to Juelia, but Joe admitted he didn't want to deal with such a "Debbie downer" situation. Jared said Juelia suspected he played her for her rose, and while Jared said he knew that wasn't the case, Joe fell silent and suggested maybe his plan was to become a villain. Jared was shocked and didn't believe Joe.
After Joshua Albers requested Joe speak with Juelia as well because she was really depressed, Joe finally sat down to have a chat with Juelia, but absolutely nothing got solved. Joe just wanted space from her and could barely even look in her direction when they were talking.
However, Kirk and Dan began second-guessing getting so serious with women so fast. Kirk knew Carly was ready to have sex with him but he wasn't quite ready yet. Dan also discovered some red flags about Ashley S's personality. He found some flaws -- including "out of character" emotional outbursts he apparently had "no tolerance" for -- that didn't match well with what he was looking for in a partner.
While Dan began questioning whether to give his next rose to Ashley S. or meet someone knew, Kirk was still invested in Carly. However, Kirk had just recently gotten out of a two-year relationship and he wasn't sure it was smart to throw himself into another relationship so quickly. When Carly received a date card, Kirk figured that night was going to be "make or break" for them.
On their date, Kirk wanted to get to know Carly on a deeper level. They always had fun and got along well, but he was seemingly looking for a more emotional and mental connection.
Carly answered all his questions and truly opened up to Kirk. He saw a new side of her and really liked it. So after a great night of conversation and romantic fireworks, Kirk determined he didn't want to let Carly go. He put his fears aside and bought a hotel room for the couple. Kirk and Carly passionately kissed at many locations in the hotel while walking to their bedroom and it seemed like the beginning of an amazing love story.
Back in Paradise, Dan confronted Ashley S. about his concerns and she was really upset. Ashley S. confessed to Dan she had been falling in love with him, and so if he wasn't invested in a relationship with her, it made sense to just leave Paradise. Ashley S. told the cameras Dan unfortunately wasn't the man she thought he was.
Megan Bell from Soules' season of The Bachelor then entered Paradise. Dan said in a confessional he was actually hoping Megan would be on the show. He saw greener grass with Megan, but she also peaked JJ's interest. Megan had to decide which guy to ask out on a date and she selected JJ because she thought he was really funny and sweet. He was really excited to go on a date with such a "beautiful blonde."
All throughout this time, Joe and Samantha were acting like they had been dating for years. The couple madeout in a hot tub in front of everyone, and Juelia just bawled because she was away from her daughter just to find love -- and that clearly wasn't happening for her. Juelia considered quitting Bachelor in Paradise before the Rose Ceremony. Dan was furious at Joe and wanted to beat him up for hurting the single mom.
Joe then finally admitted to the group he had talked to Samantha before the show. He revealed to the cameras they had talked on the phone and text messaged one another for about a month prior.
Joe wanted everyone to mind their own business, but Dan made Joe talk to Juelia. Dan said Joe acted like he was smarter than everyone but he just looked like a jerk. Tanner and Jared were also annoyed Joe just wouldn't own the fact he had been waiting for Samantha the whole time. Joe said in a confessional that Dan was just trying to act like a hero.
The episode concluded with Joe talking to Juelia in another discussion that went nowhere. Simply put, Joe told Juelia they had a connection but his connection with Samantha was better. Joe told the cameras he didn't know why Juelia kept "torturing herself" and it became apparent he just didn't care about her or her feelings.
Whether it was out of revenge or coming from a place of wanting to protect her friend, Juelia decided to share the story with Samantha. Juelia said she wanted Samantha to really know the guy she was getting to know, and at this point, Juelia absolutely thought Joe was a player. Joe apologized but it seemed out of place. He appeared to become sympathetic towards Juelia just so she wouldn't make him look bad to Samantha.
Joe was nervous to lose Samantha over some "stupid drama." He said he found love at first sight and didn't want Juelia to ruin that for him.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski