Big Brother evictee Matt Hardeman has reacted to Angela Murray calling him "Crazy Eyes" and lashing out at him prior to his eviction from the Big Brother house.

"At the end of the day, I don't think we should comment on people's eyes that are of a certain ethnicity. I think that's a good measure to look at on how we live life," Matt, whose mother is from the Philippines, told Us Weekly one day after his July 25 eviction from the Big Brother house.


On Big Brother's 26th season, Angela announced how Matt was probably the most likely to get into a showmance because of his good looks, and Matt thought she was putting a target on his back.

Once Angela was crowned the first Head of Household, she assured Matt that wasn't the case. Matt was still a little on edge, however, and so he let Angela know that if he became one of her nominations, he'd fight to stay and would have a reason to target her later.

Angela spiraled and dubbed Matt's statement "a threat," and then she screamed at "Crazy Eyes" in front of the whole house about how he had allegedly "aggressively" verbally threatened her behind closed doors.

Matt told Us of Angela's name calling, "My eyes are just brown. They're not even that unique, in my opinion. Out of all the things I've had commented on me and highlighted, who would've thought my eyes would be where we're at?"

Matt attempted to make light of the situation by joking, "Maybe 'Crazy Eyes' merch is coming in! At this point, should I just roll with it? So I was very surprised... I've never had my eyes be a topic of discussion, ever, until now."

While Matt wasn't one of Angela's initial three nominees for eviction, she named him the replacement nominee after Lisa Weintraub had won the Power of Veto and saved herself from the chopping block.

The Big Brother house then voted to evict Matt in an 8-3 vote instead of his buddy Kenney Kelley.

Matt admitted he truly doesn't know if he'll be able to forgive Angela for how she had treated him; however, he'd really like to move on from their memorable altercation on the show.

"Even after her blowup, I would've gone straight to her and said, 'If there's anything I can take responsibility for, please allow me the opportunity to do so.' I'm not the only one in the house that felt the way Angela made me feel," Matt said.

"And so I hope this is a learning lesson for her, and it came at the expense of me and getting publicly just slammed on reality TV. But what I can control is what I can control, and that is Matt Hardeman's response."


Matt said he knows who he wants to be, and that's someone who forgives others for their mistakes.

"So I will always forgive Angela and I will never take that personally," Matt said. "I do hope that she extends that."

Matt said he hopes they can work out their differences in the real world, once the game ends.

"I would love to find good graces between the both of us on the outside of both of our experiences, if given the opportunity," Matt explained, adding, "I would never bash her personally. So, I hope I get that opportunity to make amends with her."

When thinking back on Angela's rant, Matt admitted that he was blindsided by her frustration and wrath.

"Angela comes [downstairs] clapping... and we all know [being] HOH was definitely wearing on her mentally [and] she was struggling. We were all hoping that she was going to just have a better day as a human being," Matt recalled of the moments before she gave him a verbal lashing.

"And so, she comes clapping down the stairs, and I start clapping. I'm like, 'Come on, let's have a good day.' And then she goes, 'Matt,' and I thought she was going to say, like, 'Would you get up and dance for all of us? Because today's going to be a good day.'"

Matt added, "I went from thinking I was going to be called to bust [a move] to, 'You're dumb and you're ugly.'"

Angela had yelled at Matt in front of everyone, "I am so flattered that I am a threat to you! I am so friggin' flattered! Thank you, crazy eyes! You have crazy eyes!"

"I would love for the houseguests to know how Crazy Eyes very aggressively threatened me, verbally, in my room on our one-on-one," she continued. "And then he tells me, 'You put me up, and somebody will take me down, if not myself. And then when I am down, you better believe you're going up on the block.'"


Matt insisted in the Diary Room that he had never threatened Angela, nor was it his intent to put her on the defense like that.

Angela continued to scream at Matt, "You can't be pretty on the outside when you're ugly within... Your words mean sh-t, so you should just put them back in your ass!"

In hindsight, Matt laughed about how he was actually impressed by Angela's speech.

"I'm like, 'Does she have a writer? Is she, like, a rapper outside of this house?' Because her disses were creative, like, they were lyrical," Matt quipped.

"Even after, I kept laughing to myself, like, 'Dude, somebody's grandma just told me to shove my words up my rear because they're crap.'"

Lisa, Leah Peters and Makensy Manbeck were especially disappointed and upset about Matt's eviction. Angela had even told Makensy that she "can do better" than Matt prior to his Big Brother elimination.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.