Big Brother houseguest Derek Frazier cast the sole vote to evict Kyland Young over Azah Awasum, which resulted in an extremely heated confrontation between Kyland and Xavier Prather on Kyland's way out of the house during Thursday night's live Season 23 episode on CBS.
Derek Frazier, a 29-year-old safety officer from Philadelphia, PA, cast the only vote for Kyland in order to go further in the game with Azah, a 30-year-old director of sales operations from Baltimore, MD.
The Big Brother broadcast began on Day 79 in the Big Brother house.
Footage then showed Kyland feeling "stressed" as Xavier had all the power this week as both the Head of Household and Power of Veto recipient.
"I could end up on the block or I could end up casting that solo vote to evict [either Azah or Kyland], and that's a lot of pressure," Derek explained in the Diary Room.
"It's a very awkward time, and I have a lot to worry about."
Derek told Kyland how Azah had been his "ride or die" ally since the beginning of the game, but Kyland hoped Derek would "follow through" with the pact he had made with the men, especially since all the other "Cookout" members had already evicted their best friends.
Kyland had a deal with both Kyland and Azah, and he didn't know which deal he was going to break.
Azah reminded Derek that Kyland "is a gamer," and she was also nervous about where Derek's vote was going to go.
"It kind of makes me feel some type of way that he's struggling so much with this decision," Azah admitted.
Azah suggested that Xavier could use the Power of Veto on her and then she'd be more than happy and willing to make that big decision and send Kyland packing.

"Big D is letting his personal relationship with Kyland conflict with game decisions that he should be making. No matter how it plays out this week, Kyland is going home," Xavier insisted.
"The question is: do you want to be the person to take the shot or is it going to be Azah? He needs to think more with his game-mind than his heart."
Xavier asked Derek to think about what kind of Big Brother player he'd like to be, but Derek knew ousting Kyland would look bad to the jury since the guys had made a deal on Day 2 to keep each other safe.
But Derek was guaranteed Final 2 with both Xavier and Azah, so Xavier prepared Derek for "a blindside situation" that he believed needed to be done.
Derek seemed to think he could beat Azah in the end because he had made moves -- "lying and manipulated" -- throughout the season to protect her. Derek let Azah know he had carried her through the game, but she didn't agree.
Azah actually found it "incredibly hurtful" that Derek suggested she had not played the game hard, especially since she won the Final 5 HoH and secured her spot in the Final 4.
"Let me use other words. I definitely backpacked Azah this season. I definitely suitcased Azah this season, grocery-bagged Azah this season... other than the word 'carry,'" Derek bragged to the cameras as Azah cried to Xavier about her best friend putting her down.
Derek began to question if he'd want to keep someone around who was getting on his last nerve.
Xavier therefore lost some trust in Derek to make the right decision, and so he considered taking Azah off the block and letting her make the sole eviction vote.
Xavier anticipated viewers were about to witness "the biggest blindside of the summer."
Meanwhile, the jurors thus far discussed how Kyland had pissed many of them off, and then Tiffany Mitchell revealed how "The Cookout Alliance" had been formed on Day 1 of the Big Brother game.
Tiffany said what started out as a mutual understanding became an alliance to serve a mission and bigger purpose, and she shared how she had come up with the duos "masterplan."
"She moved us like chess pieces!" Derek Xiao shouted, clearly impressed with Tiffany. "Dang Tiff, if they brought you to the end, you would have won!"
Claire Rehfuss said she's "so impressed" by Tiffany, her No. 1 in the game, and her masterplan was "iconic" and will be "legendary" in the Big Brother game.
"We all gave up what was best for our own personal game with the people we knew trusted us and would be loyal to us for the mission of the six getting to [the Final 6]," Tiffany explained to her fellow jury members.
Tiffany was so relieved no one had taken the alliance personally because "The Cookout" had put their mission even ahead of winning the $750,000 grand prize.
Hannah Chaddha was then shown entering the jury house under Azah's HoH reign, and Sarah Beth Steagall said Azah had "wasted" her double eviction because she could have nominated both Xavier and Kyland for eviction and taken out a huge threat.
Sarah Beth said Xavier and Kyland would "blow her out of the water" in the Final 2 and so Azah really fumbled the ball.
When comparing Kyland and Xavier, Sarah Beth said Xavier had better jury management and never made her feel manipulated or played with, which were things Kyland had done to her.
But Hannah insisted she wasn't bitter against anyone left in the game and was still rooting for Azah, although her nominations as HoH could have been a $750,000 mistake.
At the live eviction, both Kyland and Azah were on the chopping block.
Xavier stood up and announced he had decided not to use the Power of Veto, which kept nominations the same.
Azah said she had found a true best friend in Derek -- one of her original "Jokers" team members -- and she'd love to spend six more days in the house with him, making memories together.
Kyland also said he'd love to continue in the game and go all the way to finale night as a member of the Final 3.
It then became time for Derek to cast the sole vote to evict.
Derek told both people that he loved them both on a personal level, but on a game level, he had made it clear since the beginning that he was only looking out for himself.
"I don't owe anybody anything. I played this game solely for myself, so at this point, I cast my vote to evict Kyland," Derek declared.
As Kyland headed out of the house, he seemed upset and said he didn't understand.
Kyland said he understood Derek's decision and seemed more upset with Xavier, who had given him "no heads-up."
"I kept you in the last week," Kyland told Xavier.
"This is how the game goes, Kyland," Xavier replied.
"I would have loved to give you a heads-up but I respect you too much as a player, and given that [Derek] was the sole vote to evict, I knew if you had time, you could probably make things go another way."
Kyland then brought up "the whole Kobe thing," which didn't sit well with Xavier at all.
Xavier's brother recently died and left behind a son, Kobe, whom Xavier feels responsible for now and wants to take care of long-term.
"[You talked about] raising him to be a man and face challenges and stuff," Kyland recalled.
"Are you talking about my nephew right now?" Xavier asked angrily.
"I'm asking, you know, named after Kobe -- Kobe doesn't step down from a challenge. He accepts it," Kyland said, clearly referencing how the men had agreed to go up against each other and try to beat the best in the Final 2.
"I suggest you stop talking about my nephew," Xavier fired back.
"I think that that's not really up to me. I think that if your nephew has nobody to look up to," Kyland continued.
But Kyland persisted, "If your nephew has nobody to look up to -- if your nephew has nobody to look up to, then [X] is going to have to figure out how to raise him. How is he going to be a man?"
"Julie is waiting," Xavier firmly said.
Kyland suggested again how Xavier isn't being a good role model of "a man" for his young nephew, and Xavier stated, "Walk," as Big Brother host Julie Chen called for him to leave the Big Brother house.
In his post-eviction interview with Julie, Kyland said he had tried to prepare himself for every situation since the start of the game so he wouldn't be shocked by anything.
"It definitely went through my head a few times, as far as, you know what? I have lots of reasons to think it wouldn't happen but I always knew it could," Kyland explained.
Kyland said he attempted to play an upfront game and so he never made Derek feel truly safe at the end, which probably resulted in him being in that chair.
"Do you wish you had lied to him?" Julie asked.
"No, I think I wish I had talked to him a little bit more than I did... but I think that as far as lying, I think there's an element of lying when you have to and I think that, for me... you tend to respect people who do it only when they have to," Kyland shared.
Kyland confirmed he had every intention of honoring his Final 2 deal with Xavier after they had named themselves "The Gentlemen."
"I thought we were both onboard with the name in terms of being gentlemen because both of us are competitors and both of us don't have to make some more under-handed moves because we can compete," Kyland said.
Kyland recalled having saved Xavier three times, and he seemed bitter about Xavier deciding against using the Power of Veto on him.
Kyland said he understood from a strategy standpoint but he hoped they would go up against each other and have the winner walk out with honor and bravery.
Kyland suggested if Xavier wins, it's in "a cowardly way."
In his goodbye messages, Xavier revealed he also had a Final 2 deal with Derek and planned to be loyal to that in the end.
Xavier also said he considered Kyland a brother and they'd remain best friends outside of the house, but that might have changed when Kyland dissed Xavier about his nephew during his exit.
Kyland became Juror No. 8., and then Julie told home viewers how "America's Favorite Houseguest" will receive $50,000 this season.
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski