Adam Israelov

Adam Israelov Biography

Adam Israelov is a 22-year-old risk manager from Atlanta, GA. Adam graduated at the age of 20 in the top of his class from Georgia State University with a B.B.A. majoring in risk management and insurance. He began his career at the early age of 19 at Marsh & McLennan Companies, a fortune 200 Company, in their investment banking division. By age 20, Adam was managing a book of business, at Marsh USA Inc., exceeding three million for blue chip companies providing them with tailored risk management solutions. He recently moved to New York City where he is currently working for one of the Big 4 Accounting/Advisory Firms where he advises the head of fortune 500 Companies on risk management strategies. As a first generation American, Adam derives his inspiration and entrepreneurial spirit from his parents successful business that they started from nothing and grew to a multimillion-dollar enterprise. Additionally, growing up, Adam worked in the family tool and dye machine shop business and managed the family's multimillion-dollar real estate business located in the heart of metro Atlanta. Adam's summers were spent in Israel, his family's origin, which had a tremendous influence on his values.

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