Cindy Hall

Cindy Hall Biography(Courtesy Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Cindy Hall (born June 28, 1974) was a contestant on Survivor: Guatemala. She is 31 years old and works as a zookeeper. She has an identical twin sister named Mindy. Cindy was on the Nakum tribe and was one of the four original Nakum members to remain on the tribe after a Tribal shuffle in episode 4. In her case, it was because the tribe voted her as having the most team spirit. Cindy was a hard worker around camp, strong in challenges and loved to talk about animals. She also seemed to have more common sense than some of the others. For example, when Brandon Bellinger and Bobby Jon Drinkard wanted to go swimming with the crocodiles and the rest of the tribe followed, she sat safely out. She occasionally butted heads with Judd Sergeant who complained about her blabbering about animals, but unlike Margaret, she doesn't take Judd's bullying personally. In episode four, Cindy joined an alliance with Margaret Bobonich and Brooke Struck. The group was planning on voting out Lydia Morales, but because of Judd joining Stephenie LaGrossa, Rafe Judkins, Jamie Newton and Lydia, Brooke was voted off instead.

On Day 36, Cindy was voted off in a 4-1 vote after she won a car in the previous Reward Challenge. In eleven seasons of Survivor, no player who won a car in a Reward Challenge went on to win the one million dollars, which is referred to as the "car curse". Jeff Probst offered Cindy the option of not accepting the car and giving each of the other four remaining players a car instead. Cindy opted to keep the car because she didn't have any guarantee that she would have stayed in the game even had she given a car to the each of her tribe members.

Due to her occupation as a zookeeper and a segment on howler monkeys in which she was heavily involved with, she has often been compared to a monkey out in Guatemala, and the one she liked to talk about was nicknamed "Cindy Jr.", and, when her sister Mindy came to visit, "Mindy Jr.", the alligator, was thought up by fans.

Cindy has been fired from her job for her extended absence by being on Survivor, although the exact circumstances surrounding her firing have not been revealed.

This biography article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Cindy Hall". Reality TV World is not responsible for any errors or omissions this article may contain.

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