Gregg Carey

Gregg Carey Biography(Courtesy Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Gregg Carey (born January 9, 1977 in Ashland, Massachusetts) was a contestant on the tenth season of Survivor, held in Palau.

His strategic relationship with Jennifer Lyon, which later took on romantic overtones, enabled him to advance well into the game. When Janu Tornell, whom he considered essential to his agenda, lay down her torch, his strategy lost leverage. He eventually insisted successfully that Stephenie LaGrossa be eliminated because he feared she would ruin his chances at winning.

He was voted out the following round through that very same strategy. Gregg Carey became most memorable to Survivor fans for his speech to Katie at the final Tribal Council, where he called his former friend "worthless," "embarrassing," and "pathetic" for the way she had played the game and treated people.


Carey was captain of the football and baseball teams at Ashland High School. He went on to compete in NCAA football for the University of Pennsylvania, where he obtained his Bachelor of Science in engineering.

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