Kaci Campbell

Kaci Campbell Biography

Kaci Campbell is a 29-year-old who currently resides in Los Angeles, CA.

Kaci and Evan Smith went to rival high schools and connected right before college. They have been dating on and off for 10 years, exclusive for the past five years.

Throughout the past ten years, Evan and Kaci have grown alongside each other through every success and hardship.

They believe in one another, but something has been holding them back. Kaci is ready for marriage and motherhood, and while Evan says he is too, he just can't bring himself to get down on one knee.

Kaci is tired of waiting and knows this experience will open their minds and hearts to ensure they are soul mates and help them commit to the next stage of their life.

Will Evan get cold feet or will he finally agree to propose to the woman of his dreams?

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