Malcolm Freberg

Malcolm Freberg Biography

Personal Claim to Fame: Once I spent over a month with Abi-Maria Gomes, and I'm still considered legally sane by the state of California.

Inspiration in Life: O.J. Simpson, before the murder trial. When he was a kid, he had rickets. For his birthday, when he was still young, his father took him to a signing to meet Jim Brown and O.J. hobbled right up to him and told him he was going to break all his records, which he eventually did. I'm a sucker for underdog stories.

Hobbies: Exercising, writing/reading and partying.

Pet Peeves: Ex-TV stars.

Three Words to Describe You: Charming, brilliant and slightly less cocky than the last time I did this.

If You Could Have Three Things on The Island, What Would They Be and Why?

 Soap - Not for me; for whoever I end up cuddling with at night
 Book of puzzles -- Your mind is a muscle and needs to be kept in shape.
 The Hidden Immunity Idol I never played in the Philippines - Early advantage. Seems obvious.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: This feels like a trick question.

Reason for Being on SURVIVOR: I'm a super-fan of the show. Getting to do it once was incredible. To get a second chance… How could anyone say no?

Why You Think You'll "Survive" SURVIVOR: Experience plays a huge roll in any situation in life. I made it through 38 days the first time so I have to like my survival odds the second time around. Oh, and I'm also smart, athletic and nice to look at. 

Why You Think You Will Be the Sole SURVIVOR: You play the game to win the game. I'm not on SURVIVOR to "have a life-changing experience" or "grow as a person" or "see how far I can make it." Those things may happen, but that's not the reason I'm out there. The best thing I have going for me is my single-mindedness and focus towards a single goal: a seven-digit bank account.

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