Matt Bischoff

Matt Bischoff Biography

Matt Bischoff is a 38-year-old in BMX bike sales from Cincinnati, OH

Personal Claim to Fame: I am most proud of being a daddy to my two boys. I do a lot of cool things and have personally achieved a lot, but being a dad is the best by far!

Inspiration in Life: Hans Langseth -- he grew the longest beard ever at 17.5 feet long. He pretty much rules my life. All hail long beards!

Hobbies: Beards, singing in a band and BMX.

Pet Peeves: Uptight people with no sense of humor, people at gas stations that hold up the line to buy Lotto tickets, cigarettes and bad tippers.

Three Words to Describe You: Funny, over-the-top and caring.

If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island, What Would They Be and Why?

     My iPod -- I constantly listen to music. It is a huge part of my life. I also would want to view photos of my wife and kids.
     A pen and notebook -- to work on song lyrics and keep a daily diary.
     A video camera -- to film myself doing wild stuff!

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Rupert -- he has a big heart and loved to play the game. His teddy-bear personality and tough looks remind me of myself. Also, Lex - he was a cool guy, a smart, down-to-earth dude with a band and lots of tattoos.

Reason for Being on SURVIVOR: I want to win. I also want to open up people's minds and show them not to judge a book by its cover. A person's true character lies within.

Why You Think You'll "Survive" SURVIVOR: I'll be able to keep people's spirits up by making them laugh. I'm a hard worker. I'm highly positive and motivating. I will play a great social game. Plus, I feel like I will do well in challenges. I'm a team player. Anyone in my alliance will make it to the end.

Why You Think You Will Be the Sole SURVIVOR: I will play a great social game and people will want to keep me around. I'm confident that people will trust me.

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