Michael Laungani

Michael Laungani Biography(Courtesy Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Michael Laungani, whose birth name is Avinash, (born 1976 in Manhattan, New York, and resides in Chicago, Illinois) was a candidate on NBC show The Apprentice 5 with Donald Trump. He was part of team Synergy in Week 1, and transferred to team Gold Rush in Week 8. Michael was then fired in Week 11. Following Laungani's appearance on the Apprentice in 2006, he was named in People magazine"s annual Hottest Bachelors issue as the Motorcycle Riding Management Consultant.


Laungani graduated from the United Nations International School in New York City, studying economics and three languages. He was selected to compete on an international indoor volleyball team in the World Scholar-Athlete Games held in Rhode Island where he received a third place team medal. Laungani went on to earn a B.S. in Business Administration at the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St Louis with a dual major in Finance and Marketing. At Washington University, Laungani was captain of the volleyball team and also refounded the Alpha Iota chapter of the national fraternity of Beta Theta Pi.


He began his career as a business consultant for Arthur Andersen in Chicago, working with Fortune 500 companies, is now in mergers and acquisitions consultant for one of the largest professional services firms in the country, assisting multi-million dollar corporations with financial integration and development.

Charitable Affiliations

  • Make-A-Wish Foundation of Illinois
  • Charter School Tutoring
  • Chicago Principals for a Day
  • Chicago Starlings Volleyball
  • Burton Snowboards Chill Program
  • Chicago Cares

This biography article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Michael Laungani". Reality TV World is not responsible for any errors or omissions this article may contain.

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