Payton Moran

Payton Moran Biography

Payton Moran is a 23-year-old business development representative from Wellesley, MA.

ABC Biography

Payton is the type of woman who goes into a bar alone and leaves with 100 new best friends.

She grew up in Ohio with her four siblings, and thanks to some serious Facebooking, she recently discovered that she has a fifth! After a stranger messaged her, she found out she has a long-lost sister.

Payton had a serious boyfriend in college and says that they were in love.

They dated for three years, but by her junior year, he started getting jealous of her social life and tried to control her.

She lost herself in trying to please him and ended that relationship so she could spend the rest of her time in college having fun.

Payton describes herself as outgoing and very fun. She is not very athletic, but loves to be outdoors.

Her favorite way to socialize is over a good glass of wine, and she is coming into this with two glasses.

Hopefully, Peter is thirsty!

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