Rachel Plencner

Rachel Plencner Biography(Courtesy Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Rachel Plencner was a contestant on the American version of the CBS reality show Big Brother 6, which aired in 2005, and was seen by over 8 million viewers at a time. Prior to the show Rachel was a horse breeder from Parker, Colorado.

Big Brother 6

In 2005, on Big Brother 6 Rachel was one of fourteen contestants, who were confined in a house together, with the objective of outlasting one another. At the beginning of each week, there was a new Head of Household (HoH) determined who was able to nominate other members for removal at the end of the week. After each nomination, a vote was held amongst contestants to select one nominee to remove. In this, the sixth season of the show, known as the Summer of Secrets, each contestant had a secret partner, that they knew before the show, who would work together on the show. Rachel's secret partner was Howie Gordon, a close friend. If the two partners had made it to the end, the prize money would have been $1,000,000. However Rachael was nominated and voted out of the house on day 54 by a unanimous vote of fellow housemates. Because she came in 8th she was part of the seven member jury that decided which of the final two contestants would win. She was one of the four who voted for Maggie Ausburn (the winner of $500,000) and against Ivette Corredero (runner-up awarded $50,000).

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