Survivor: China

Survivor: China News

Todd Herzog relapses again, 'Survivor: China' winner hits rock bottom and seeks fourth alcohol-addiction intervention
Todd Herzog relapses, 'Survivor: China' winner's alcohol addiction worse than ever
Former 'Survivor: China' winner Todd Herzog has extremely severe alcohol addiction, getting rehab from 'Dr. Phil'
'Survivor: China' castaways Jaime Dugan, Erik Huffman get married
Jaime Dugan and Erik Huffman's wedding to be "a reality get-together"
'Survivor: China' couple Jaime Dugan and Erik Huffman win wedding
'Survivor' couple Jaime Dugan and Erik Huffman discuss engagement
Exclusive: Denise Martin talks about her 'Survivor: China' experience
Exclusive: Courtney Yates dishes on 'Survivor: China' runner-up ride
Exclusive: Amanda Kimmel talks about her 'Survivor: China' moves
'Survivor: China's Denise Martin to donate Burnett's $50,000 to charity
Exclusive: 'Survivor: China' champion Todd Herzog talks strategy
'Survivor: China's Denise Martin apologizes for 'misleading' job tale
Todd Herzog wins 'Survivor: China,' beats Courtney and Amanda
Exclusive: Peih-Gee Law talks about her 'Survivor: China' adventure
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Season Finale
Peih-Gee Law the twelfth castaway eliminated from 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 12
Exclusive: Erik Huffman talks about his 'Survivor: China' experience
Erik Huffman the eleventh castaway eliminated from 'Survivor: China'
Jeff Probst handicaps 'Survivor: China' cast, finale 'doesn't disappoint'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 11
James Clement the tenth castaway eliminated from 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 10
Exclusive: Michael "Frosti" Zernow talks about 'Survivor: China'
Michael "Frosti" Zernow the ninth castaway cut from 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 9
Exclusive: Jean-Robert Bellande talks about 'Survivor: China' ouster
Jean-Robert Bellande the eighth castaway cut from 'Survivor: China'
'Survivor' castaway James Clement talks muscles and romance
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 8
Exclusive: Jaime Dugan talk about her 'Survivor: China' experience
Jaime Dugan the seventh castaway eliminated from 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 7
Exclusive: Sherea Lloyd dishes about her 'Survivor: China' journey
Sherea Lloyd the sixth castaway voted out of 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 6
CBS announces 'Survivor: China' finale, reunion show to air Dec. 16
Exclusive: Aaron Reisberger talks about 'Survivor: China' ouster
Aaron Reisberger the fifth castaway voted out of 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 5
Exclusive: Dave Cruser talks about his 'Survivor: China' journey
Dave Cruser the fourth castaway eliminated from 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 4
Exclusive: Leslie Nease talks about her 'Survivor: China' experience
Leslie Nease the third castaway eliminated from 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 3
Exclusive: Ashley Massaro dishes about her 'Survivor' smackdown
Ashley Massaro the second castaway cut from 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 2
'Survivor: China' premiere averages more than 15 million viewers
Exclusive: Steve "Chicken" Morris talks about 'Survivor: China'
'Survivor' host Jeff Probst parodies himself in MLB baseball spot
Steve "Chicken" Morris the first castaway cut from 'Survivor: China'
State of the Spoiling: 'Survivor: China' Episode 1
'Spoiler Island' fantasy game launches for 'Survivor: China' season
'Survivor' host Jeff Probst: "I don't like giving $1 million to an asshole"
Jeff Probst dishes about CBS' upcoming 'Survivor: China' season
VIDEO: Behind the scenes of 'Survivor: China' with Jeff Probst, Part 2
VIDEO: Behind the scenes of 'Survivor: China' with Jeff Probst, Part 1
CBS reveals the identities of 'Survivor: China's sixteen castaways
VIDEO: Meet the sixteen castaways of CBS' 'Survivor: China'
Mark Burnett reveals 'Survivor: China' won't have an Exile Island
CBS announces 'Survivor: China' will premiere September 20
Report: WWE star Ashley Massaro participating in 'Survivor: China'
CBS confirms 'Survivor: China' title, reveals additional location details
Report: CBS' fifteenth 'Survivor' edition to film in mainland China
CBS orders two more 'Survivor' editions for the 2007-2008 season

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