Tammy Ly

Tammy Ly Biography

Tammy Ly is a 24-year-old house flipper from Syracuse, NY.

ABC Biography

Tammy is in the process of taking over the world, and if a man can't keep up, then she isn't afraid to leave them in the dust.

She comes from a hardworking family that immigrated over to Syracuse during the Vietnam War and credits her go-go-go attitude to her parents.

After her parents split up, she helped raise her younger sisters and has been working ever since graduating high school.

Speaking of high school, Tammy tried to join the boys wrestling team as a junior but was turned away! She responded by showing up to every practice and pushing forward on a Title IX complaint until they accepted her.

Good thing they did, because once on the team, she went on to have a 7-1 record wrestling on the boys' varsity team.

Tammy's busy work life hasn't given her too much time to date. She has been unable to find anyone in Syracuse who can keep up with her ambitious nature, and she finds it hard to date men her age because her drive tends to intimidate them.

Tammy is coming into this experience to focus on finding true love and to see if Peter is the type of guy who can give her the work-life balance she needs.

One problem though: Tammy hasn't told her mom yet that she's going to be on The Bachelor.

Guess now is as good a time as any! Surprise, Mom!

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