Ed Evangelista

Ed Evangelista (Courtesy Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Ed Evangelista is a creative consultant in marketing, entertainment, and advertising, as well as judge for the first season of ABC's reality television show American Inventor. He was an Executive Creative Director at JWT in New York before launching out on his own.


Evangelista is a director and marketing consultant in branded entertainment, mobile content, and alternative marketing. His clients are digital firms, marketing agencies, and brands that need creative ideas and thinking to help make their products relevant to consumers. His expertise is in content and delivery of alternative, digital, and traditional media by bringing brands, ideas, and entertainment together to create new experiences that engage consumers.

Evangelista starred as the judge on the Simon Cowell produced ABC-TV reality show American Inventor. Now, on TLC's Homemade Millionaire TV Show, Evangelista stars with Kelly Ripa as a coach and mentor helping women win a contract to sell their new inventions on the Home Shopping Network.

Evangelista is best known for his creative work for Debeers diamonds, particularly the successful launches of Three Stone Jewelry and the Right Hand Ring. For over 20 years, he has done work for many famous brands, including Smirnoff, Rolex, MCI, Philips Electronics, Volvo, Elizabeth Arden, LIFE Magazine, Sunsilk, Sony, and Merrill Lynch.

He combined marketing and entertainment for the launch for Unilever's Sunsilk, called "LoveBites" for TBS. These were 65 two-minute TV episodes that ran after Sex and the City and kept over 70% of viewers engaged. He was also instrumental in the launch of Sunsilk's Colorshowdown and colorshowdown.com, which features the blondes versus brunettes debate. He is currently involved in a variety of branding, TV, web, and mobile projects. He has won every major advertising award from the One Show Gold to the Cannes Lion. Ed and his work have been quoted and profiled in the WSJ, NYT, Archive, Graphis, Adweek, AdAge, and Entrepreneur.com.

Evangelista graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City with a Bachelor of Fine Arts.

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