Jackie Stallone

Jackie Stallone (Courtesy Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Jackie Stallone, (born November 29, 1921 in Washington, D.C.) is an astrologer and celebrity who is the mother of the Hollywood action film star Sylvester Stallone, and of the singer Frank Stallone.


During her youth, Jackie Stallone, born Jacqueline Labofish, was a trapeze artist in a circus and a chorus girl in a nightclub. She was also a hairdresser. Jackie Stallone lived a relatively quiet life for most of her years. Even after Sylvester starred in the film Rocky in 1976 she remained unknown to the general public.

Television Appearances

Jackie Stallone appeared on the 80s wrestling program called GLOW: Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Jackie was shown rapping with Americana, Mt. Fiji and Susie Spirit behind her. She rapped about Aunt Kittie's girls and making them kitty litter. Stallone became famous in her own right during the mid-1990s, by publishing astrology books, making television appearances, and setting up a psychic hotline where she would charge telephone callers for the advice of her and other operators. She also invented the term "rumpology", which, according to her, is an art similar to that of palm reading except that the procedure is done by examining pictures of people's rear ends. She also claims that she can consult dogs to find out about the future. She also became involved in the cosmetics industry, launching facial masks and other products that she claimed cured skin problems.

Early 1990s

Once in the early 90s she appeared on the Howard Stern show and engaged in a heated on-air argument with Sylvester's dad, Frank Stallone Sr. She accused him of being horrible in bed and that he wanted to have Sylvester aborted. She said that she faked the abortion and that Frank didn't know about it until she gave birth.


Her claims have inspired many jokes, and she has been widely ridiculed by the media about her alleged powers. On one edition of Saturday Night Live, actress Janeane Garofalo played her during a skit that mocked her psychic hotline.

In their 2005 Christmas Special, comedic duo French & Saunders parodied Jackie Stallone's appearance on Celebrity Big Brother UK and her interaction with her former daughter-in-law Brigitte Nielsen.

But Stallone has also made many friends in the entertainment business after becoming famous herself. One of them is Cristina Saralegui, who proclaimed her friendship with Stallone during a show where she was a special guest. It has been rumored that, in 2001, Barbra Streisand asked Sylvester Stallone about making a movie based on Jackie Stallone's life. The movie would have been named "Rumpology".

Cosmetic surgery

Despite her denial of this, Jackie has had numerous cosmetic surgeries over the years, leaving her, in the opinion of general public, looking worse than she did before. Her appearance has been compared to that of Pete Burns.

Celebrity Big Brother

In January 2005 she appeared in the UK TV series Celebrity Big Brother as a "surprise" contestant. She was brought onto the show to create tension within the "house", as her former daughter-in-law Brigitte Nielsen, with whom she notoriously didn't get along, was also a contestant. She was the first contestant voted out by viewers after spending four days in the house.

Last appearance

A parody of Jackie Stallone's appearance on the Celebrity Big Brother appeared on the French and Saunders 2005 Christmas Special.

Jackie Stallone appeared on BBC TV Show Through The Keyhole in March 2007, where Stephanie Powers explored her LA home and then interviewed her.

Disproven Trivia

It was once widely believed that Jackie Stallone played a key role in the capture of Saddam Hussein in his native Tikrit. This was later disproven when it was revealed Jackie was in fact rehearsing how to perfectly pronounce her name for her big entrance in Celebrity Big Brother at the time of the investigation.

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