The episode begins with the final seven castaways in place to take the game to the next level. Now they will be competing in what amounts to reward and immunity challenges. But should not be confused with the big hit reality show over on SeeBS. I will summarize the show but will not make references to the 152 recarps and previews before and after every commercial.
Things start out with Mary Ann Randi in the shower and Professor Tiy-e is pedaling. Gilligan Arse is being himself…an arse! He is giving Randi a hard time and just harassing her. Arse is banking on the alliance of the orange team to make to the final four with Skipper Charlie being the first non-orange team member to go home. The alliance is Professor Tiy-e, Gilligan Arse, Mr. Howell Bounce and Mary Ann Randi.
Let me check my channel…yep still on TBS. WOW! For a moment there I thought I had switched on Sho watching Queer As Folk! Little did we know two of the castaways were smitten with each other. Professor Tiy-e and Gilligan Arse are frolicking in the water. The whole thing is done very soft pornish and looks a bit cheesy. I’m not opposed to some hot man-on-man action but could it have at least been with men I find attractive. Tiy-e ain’t bad but these two personalities are a downer (ifyouknowwhatimeanandithinkyoudo) for me.
The squawk box comes alive with Jiffy Jr.
The castaways are told to head to the beach for a reward challenge. Tiy-e is urinated off because he wanted to vote off Skipper Charlie. WTF? I have no idea why this was edited in here but Tiy-e is bitching because he was ready to vote someone off. Tiy-e and Arse are getting very cocky (not in a good way anyways ) and editing is telling me something screwy is just ahead!
Reward challenge: Message in a bottle
Literally! There are 250 bottles scattered on the beach and some floating in the ocean and the first person to find the ONE bottle with a message that has text on it will win a meal. WTF? A friggin message in a bottle…are you kidding me? I bet immunity challenge will be who can stay in a swing the longest without jumping! Pfft!
Everyone runs around grabbing bottles and uncorking them. It is at this very moment I want to scream “uncork you! URGH. As the children continue with this baby game we see that Skipper Charlie and Professor Tiy-e don’t want to appear strong. Tiy-e really thinks he is one of the strongest…he is a shoe-in to win the next challenge if it is an anchor challenge. You know the kind, Jiffy Jr. takes them out into the ocean, ties them up and throws them overboard. The one to sink to the bottom of the ocean first wins!
As the challenge continues Lovey Melissa is shown picking up bottles as the wind blows her skirt up revealing her purple panties. MY EYES! MY EYES! That is almost as bad as seeing Richard (from that other show on SeeBS) running around naked. After uncorking 486,321 bottles Lovey Melissa finds the precious message. Jiffy Jr. tells her eating alone is no fun and that she can pick one person to share the meal with her. Lovey Melissa picks Gilligan Arse because she thinks he needs it more than anyone else. *rolls eyes*
The two go to their meal to find pizza and soda. The entire meal is edited to make us think all the chatting was about Arse having diabetes. In a confessional, Arse says that he thinks Melissa picked him because she wanted to get hibbity hibbity after eating. I hope Arse saved himself for Tiy-e as he wants to make him (Arse) his bitch.
Back at the hut, as Skipper and Arse are getting ready to hit the hay, they are both being very smug with each other. Skipper tells Arse that Arse better give 100% at the challenges so he (Arse) can win. Arse tells Skpper to enjoy his last night on the island. Well, I guess we know Skipper is safe tomorrow…typical reality TV editing!
Millionaire Bounce, Gilligan Arse and Skipper Charlie are strategizing when Charlie says that he will have to give 110% at the immunity challenge. Mr. Bounce interrupts to inform the mathematically challenged that it is 100% because that is all he can give. They go back and forth BRAK BRAK BRAK. Who really cares? Let’s get on with the show.
Movie Star Erika and Mary Ann Randi are strategizing as well. Erika wants to get rid of Mr. Bounce but Randi is a little confused by the whole conversation. Erika is trying to explain it in idiotic terms so Randi can understand. Randi has a blank look on her face as if she has no clue. At least Erika understands the game and is trying to take over the game. I guess this lady with tig ole bitties has a brain as well.
Gilligan Arse continues being an arse as he is giving Skipper Charlie hell! Arse tells Skipper if the immunity challenge is physical there is no chance of Charlie winning. I think Arse is about to let his mouth overload his ass. He just keeps going…