And so it begins.....the recap of last Thursday’s episode:
The house was divided. Gee, really? Whatever gave you that idea, Mr. Announcer? Kaysar wants Rachel, Howie and Janelle in finals. Maggie (hereafter known as Maggot) avenged eviction of Eric or Cappy or Crappy nominating Kayser (or He who is super yummy). James played both sides Umm...really? At Veto Competition, Sarah came through for James. And, even tho James was safe, James’ betrayal was announced to all. Janelle nominated in James' place against Kaysar. Of course, we were stuck with a 7-1 eviction of Kaysar. Howie won HOH for the week. And the Chenbot announced America’s Choice - one hampster (aka houseguest) will come back from the land of evicted.
Tonight: Day 33
DR with Maggot - My duties as HOH were to eliminate a very strong, strategic player. I think I accomplished that. Yeah, and your emotions NEVER came into play either, right?
Howie in DR - We sang Kaysar a nice little song. He's a good friend, we all loved the guy.
Sarah had to add in her .002 (yes, I did that on purpose) - saying goodbye to Kaysar was hard. He deserved better than 7-1.
DR with James - I'm sad Kaysar is gone. I'm going to miss him a lot, his presence.
Janelle in the DR - Kaysar was so composed, that’s how he is. Everyone is sad Kaysar is gone.
Um, if we're all so sad and didn't want to see him go, WHY did we vote him out??? Idjuts.
Again, we see Howie win HOH.
Rachel confesses that Howie knew the answer just like she did. But, she knew how bad he wanted HOH and couldn’t take that away from him. Such a good girlfriend, wife, friend, whatever you are Rach
Again, we have James in the DR - OMG! If everyone keeps their word, I won’t have to compete in veto to save my hide. Thank God. Delusion looks good on you, Jamesy boy
Maggot believes that having Howie as HOH is a crapshoot. Heck of a way to look at it... Yapril says the last HOH showed who was friends with who. That wasn't the point, really. It’s all verrrrrrrry interesting.
Maggot then notes that if Howie plays to avenge Kaysar, there’s a very good chance she’ll be nominated. Ummm...Duh! This may be the smartest thing Maggot has said in weeks. Or maybe months. Oh hell, in her entire life!
Yellvette is worried because she feels that she might have blown the cover on keeping James as an ally because now James knows she chose The Friendship over him. Yvette says James can't be trusted. He goes back on every word he says.
Recrap again of AC voting……
Howie says it sent shockwaves thru the household. Maggot says if Eric comes back, it would turn the game upside down. She’d love it more than anything. Janelle would love to see either Michael or Kaysar come back in the game. She misses them both. Howie is afraid if Eric comes back, he’d hold Howie partially responsible for his departure. Really? Hmm...did you vote for him Howie? You did? Okay then...gee...can't see WHY Eric would feel that way then. James hopes Howie nominates Maggie cause he can’t stand her.
Howie says that James and Sarah (J&S) are too much as allies, bargaining his and Rachel's BB lives away. Now that he's HOH and they’re a lot nicer. If you’re not Howie or Rachel then you better be scared.
All trekked up to Howie’s HOH room - tons of food, cupcakes, twinkies, cherry coke, speedos, underoos, Pic of H as a stripper, pics of his family. Ivette can't wait to see Howie in his Speedo. Also says Howie looks like a blow up doll. Beau is laughing at a picture of Howie with his dad and a shirt he’s wearing in the BB house. Howie is disappointed that he didn’t get his light saber (or saver depending on whether or not you are Sarah).
In the HOH Room, Howie, Rachel, and Janelle are discussing putting up James and Sarah. Rachel wants to put up Maggie. She says if we can backdoor them, that’s fine. Janelle thinks it is too risky for Eric to come back. Howie wants to put J&S up, but it’s dangerous because they could win veto and James is most dominant player in BB history. Rachel says Howie's odds are better by screwing her (Mag) than screwing J&S and he know that.
Chenbot does a commerical about the live feeds - looking even more robotic than normal.
Apr and Jen come in to talk to Howie - Howie doesn’t know who to trust. April trusts Maggot, but not so much J&S. James is the most awful, deceitful, disgusting in this game, probably in BB history and she can’t stand him, calls him an SOB several times. Yellvette and Beau come in. Howie looking irritated. Jen leaves. Howie cuts deal - if he puts up J&S this week, then they have to finish the job next week. Ivette’s word is good as gold, she hasn’t gone back on anything yet. Oh my...there are not words to go along with this statement.
James comes in and says he’s on Yellvette and Beau’s side - his voice is dripping with sarcasm because that’s what Ivette and Beau told Howie. Rachel says that the prospect of Eric coming back is huge, and it's her main concern. James is telling everyone they must be united and believe in each other. No second guessing team members.
Howie and Maggie have a private one on one in the HOH bathroom on the side of the tub. Maggot says that whatever she does, Eric will back her up. Ding dong! Finally, a ring of truth!Howie gives his word that J&S are going home. They shake hands on the deal.
In the BY, April is discussing her deformed butt crack with Beau. April wants Beau to feel it. He won’t. April fell of a horse and her tail is crooked. Right above her butt crack. Ivette feels it. EEEEWWW! In the DR Yellvette says Yapril is beautiful on the outside, but when you get to know her, she’s deformed. Sarah says it’s like a dog when it gets its tail clipped, a boxer. It could wiggle when she’s happy. April - I DO. NOT. HAVE. A. TAIL.