Well we start the show with Chenbot and wait for it.......recap. Were you excited. With all that happens on the live feeds, you would think CBS could give the viewer something more. How many times does one need to see Dr. Will tell everyone he hates them with a smile on his face.
We move on to see Jase having his one of many temper tantrums for being "back doored". When "back dooring" does occur is it not usually intentional? That is my belief. James really didn't have anyother choise since Chicken George removed himself from the block. Guess he can't quite "take it like a man" Whining about how he isn't cut out to be on Big brother but he should have been cast for Survivor. MY GOD. If there is a God, never put him on Survivor.
We then see Dr. Will and Boggie having a quiet conversation where Will asks him to secure some floater votes to keep him in the house. Like we really believed he wanted to go. Anyone who has ever watch season 2 knows never to believe what Will says.
Then the party moved to the bath tub filled with bubbles, Erika and Janelle when crashed with a Boggie thrown into the mix. Trying to be subtle about who they were voting for and push for Will to stay. thanks to the editing at CBS those without live feeds dodn't see what happened a few minutes later which was way more interesting.
again back to Jase complaing and whining about being back doored to anyone within ear shot. This time to Diane and Marci. Marci's attitude to him was like "oh well, brought it upon yourself". Jase didn't like that so he leaves the room. Poor baby. take it like a man. I do recall last episode or before in Jase's DR confessions that he said and I quote " I am not going to go to HOH and kiss anyones a$$ to stay here. That is not who I an, and thats not the kind of game I play." So to that Jase is in the HOH room kissing a$$ and making a deal with the S6 to stay and agree to put floaters up if he can stay. GAG ME.
We finally cut to the houseguests on the live show to look at Chicken George wearing an afro, fake green mustash and a shirt that says "Mr. Fart" to find out that all the slop he is eating has given him bad gas. Does this make for great television? More of him with a thong on his head, tinfoil suit and says thats who his is at home. Thank God he is not related to me, I would be so embarrassed.
James is now alone in the HOH room and tells Chenbot that he is loyal to S6 and Dani cause they are friends and is using Will and Boogie as pawns.
A hight light on Will as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Interview his brother (boring) and Shannon, his love from BB2. She says they hadn't spoken in a couple of years but after the show he was a different person. Quiet, shy and likes to stay home and play video games. (I think she described my husband). And with his fake orange tan he looks like an Oompa Loompa. And to find out he has had liposuction. (Interesting)
Back to the houseguests, where Jase asks Julie that only Dani and Diane walk him to the door. the voting not even annouced yet so i guess he knows he is going home. Will changes his "hate" comment to everyone from the Veto ceremony to a "strong dislike" and smiles. Vote is 9-0, Jase you have been evicted from the big brother house. (YAY). While he is leaving he turs and says seeyou in a week, (to who I don't know) then Howie said no in 2 weeks. What that means, I don't know. Will says its it was too early for Jase to leave and said he is sad and jealous of him.
Jase comments to Julie that he wants to be on survivor, she calls him a changed man this time around ( Does she not watch the live feeds?) Asks Jase if there was really a Mrs. & MR. Smith alliance and he dodges the answer. In his goodbye messages, Boggie gives a terrible rap and Jase rolls his eyes with discust at Marci's speech which basically said he deserved to be out the house. (HAHA)
Commercial- America's Choise, how long to keep the house up all night long. How often should they get a wake up call every 3 hours, every 2 hours, every hour, every 30 mins, every 15 mins. This should be interesting.
HOH Comp - Define and Dismiss, Answer the question correctly and eliminate a houseguest, answer incorrect and your eliminated. 1. Marci outs Boggie 2. Kaysar outs Diane 3. Will outs Howie (why Howie?) 4. Will answers wrong he is eliminated 5. Erika eliminates George 6. Kaysar eliminates Erika 7. Janelle eliminates Danielle 8. Marci eliminates Kaysar 9. Jannelle eliminates Marci WINNER JANELLE (yay)
Then while Chenbot is talking about the change of HOH she screws up (of course) Can't get through a live show without at least 1 screw up from Chen. S6 Happy and Will requests to go home next week. Thats the show for Thursday July 27, 2006