Well we start with a recap -- again of -- Chicken George's nominations (Erika & James), James winning veto, Mike threatening CG, Howie being nominated and Howie's grand exit, If you didn't see his exit, click the link to the Episode 19 summary ==>>
Back in the house after Howie's departure, Mike threw Howie's key across the room and Janelle is standing all alone. Boogie's Diary Room session says "Memo to Howie, this is a game". James is talking with Jani and she says she feels resposible for his eviction. Will in a Diary Room session and says he doesn't like Mike having HOH. Will says it's the worst position to be in because it makes you a target.
Because Mike, aka Boogie, is now HOH, he has lost the Coup power cause you can't over thow yourself.
Jani has been crying all day. CG is now trying to comfort her. Says he respects her and how she is, she is smart and beautiful. Boogie and Will also tried to comfort her.
In her DR session, Janelle explains that her crying is stratagy. She wants the others to think she is weak and has no fight left.
Boogie's HOH room is revealed -- it's red with some purple. Nothing special, but it contains a few funny pics from his previous Big Brother experience. After everyone leaves, Will and Boogie start strategizing their next phase in their plan. He plans on nominating James and Jani but they will help Jani win POV and put up a pawn and vote James out.
James comes into the conversation and they tell James who they want to nominate but they tell him he is safe.
CG and Jani start talking about people that have lied to them in the game and how each of them has no one, so they decide to team up in a secret alliance. In a DR session CG says Jani is the only one he can really talk about game with and he has no idea where he is with Erika.
Janie and Will are talking and she says "you stabbed me in the back" he replies with "No I stabbed you in the front" then they both giggle about it.
Will, Booger and Janie talking and they fill her in on their plan to nominate her and help her win POV. She says she is down with that.
Nomination Ceremony time... Boogie gives a (fake) speech and says he wasn't going to lie and that his decision of who to nominate was easy. The keys came out in this order Dani-CG-Erika-Will. Boogie continues on and says that he put up 2 really good players and his plan has always been to go after the Season 6 folks. He notes that Jani told him earlier in the season if he had a problem with something to win a HOH and do something about it and now he has.
In a Diary Room session Jani says she has no choise at this point but to trust CT. Jani and James are both "acting" depressed about being nominated.
It's time to pick players for the Power Of Veto competition. Mike gets "houseguest's choice" and picks Will, Jani draws Dani's name and James draws Erika's name. Chicken George -- the only other houseguest left -- will be host. They have one hour until the POV begins.
Chilltown and Jani do some last minute Veto planning in the HOH room. Boogie says they need to protect "the Queen Bee." Jani -- the Queen Bee -- says she is in with the plan and they hug (well, Will and Jani hug.)
Afterward, we see another Diary Room session in which Jani says she will go after Chilltown if she gets HOH next week.
Will's Diary Room session he says Jani needs to stay cause her alone is a bigger target to go after than 2 members of Chilltown. Keeping Jani in the house will keep the other houseguests from going after Will and Boogie.
Veto Competition time -- The back yard has been done up in a Jungle/Tribal theme. They have to find a voodoo doll with the correct evicted houseguest's name (first initial) on it and bring it back to the kneeling stone and submit it to the idol. Each round, one kneeling stone will be removed, resulting in one houseguest being eliminated every round. Basically it's musical chairs with voodoo dolls amd kneeling stones.
Dani is eliminated first. Will is out second (he says he could care less if he wins anything.) Mike out third (living up to Chilltown's promise to help her, he threw the correct doll in Jani's path so she would get it.)
The only ones left are Erika, James and Jani. James and Jani go for the same doll and after a bit of wrestling James gets the doll (a Howie doll) away from her and Jani ended up grabbing a different doll (a Marcellas doll) located a few feet away. The Marci doll was the correct doll and James is eliminated fourth.
James starts b!tching right away about how Jani kicked him and assulted him. From looking at the tape, it looks like she accidently scratched him. Erika losing the search for the fifth round doll and Janelle wins the POV. James calls Jani a poor sport in front of everyone and walks away.
In a Diary Room session, James says "that B!tch assulted me." Jani's Diary Room session she says she has the Veto and is out for revenge.
In the HOH room, Chilltown is jumping up and down cause their plan so far is working but say they will act pi$$ed for everyone else. Erika comes in, so they start acting all upset, with Mike saying he has to go work out cause he is so mad.
At the Veto Ceremony, Jani -- in an attempt to surprise the other houseguests -- says she is not going to... keep herself on the block and will use the veto. Mike then puts CG up on the block.
In a DR session James says he feels safe about staying this week, however you could just see anger in his eyes.