It’s Thursday night at 8:00 on CBS and you know what that means. Julie Chen time! I am sorry to say that the body glitter quotient has been reduced to zero. However, she has still decided to show her utter lack in taste by wearing a pale blue blouse that came right from the Jerry Seinfeld pirate collection (But I don’t wanna be a pirate!) with matching pale blue pants. Ick.
On to the show that is Big Brother. We start with the fallout from the POV ceremony. Jase explains that he had to do it as he thought that Holly would be voted out and Lori would stay. Of course, if Marvin wasn’t such an idiot he would have put up one of the 4 Horsemen of Headbands and they would have lost that person instead – like maybe Jase’s buddy Scott. Speaking of Marvin, he explains his reason for putting Karen up which is that he didn’t like her campaigning to keep Lori in the house because she was one of Marvin’s picks. Marvin is also upset at Jase for removing one of his picks. I guess nobody is allowed to mess with The Martian's choices when he is HOH.
Next comes a collection of clips of the HGs discussing their strategy. The 4 Horsemen of Dufusness are now considering getting rid of Marvin next (remember that) and the rest are discussing how sad it is that the good people are getting put up and the bad people are in control – Karen and Lori even discuss it in front of Cowboy. Since Cowboy has no spine, he just sits there and doesn’t defend himself or his allies. Lori and Karen are going around giving the usual “I don’t want to go home” bit to the other HGs.
Back to Julie who checks in with the HGs. Scott, Jase and Cowboy are all wearing pink shirts while Drew (maybe he finally grew a spine) isn't. Is this a rift in the 4 Horsemen of Ego or is Drew just smarter then the rest of his pals? When asked why he used the POV, Jase tells us: “I was so liquored up I don’t remember doing it”. I'm sure Holly has said that before, but probably never had it said about her. Other HGs complain about the boredom. Tell us about it, the only thing more boring then being in the show is watching it. Jennifer (I refuse to call her Nostradamus or whatever she calls herself) gets razzed by Julie about her new hair cut. Who would think that a woman with a green mohawk could fly under the radar?
Before the first commercial we get comments from Jase, Michael and Diane about the eviction. Jase calls Lori the “female me” which I found really mean for CBS to show as a clip - until I realized it was meant as a compliment. Diane votes for Karen to be evicted.