I had a rough time trying to determine how to approach this summary. This is an episode that was given no reasons for airing. Almost like the alleged rape last season, this episode could have not been shown nor discussed and would have never been missed. I came close to titling this summary The Lost Episode.
For those that have something better to do than read my ramblings, I am going to write this paragraph for you. Karamo and Willie make a guest appearance, Shavonda is afraid of people with disabilities, Sarah is worried about her boobs, and MJ/Landon continue to be boobs! Landon makes out with a CW that works in the offices of the Soul. All the roomies are reminded that they should not fraternize with other employees. That’s all the show folks. If you haven’t had enough pain yet…here goes the extended version!
The Soul has traveled to New York City to take on the Dragons and The Real World idiots were taken along. After the Dragons whip the Soul, it’s on the team bus for the ride home. Landon and MJ are sitting in the back of the bus (why do I suddenly want to break out in song? Sing it with me folks…the wheels on the bus go round and round…round and round…) when Landon announces that there is trouble! Landon explains that Gina (the company CW and CW from here on out) is very sexy and that he wants to get to know her. I can’t go any farther without saying that I can’t get past Gina’s looks. Imagine a chunky (girl with some thighs ) Gerri from Survivor…kinky hair and all! The look is so close that I have to say I already dislike this b!tch!
After a couple of beers, Landon goes and asks her if she will go out after they get back! Snazzy move there speedy! Then we get a confessional of Landon saying that there are lots of gray areas with fraternizing and that no one really knows what it means! Our little third grader needs a lesson. Let’s ask Webster of how he defines fraternizing: fra-tr-nIzing; intransitive verb. 1)To associate or mingle as brothers or as fraternal terms. 2) To associate on close terms with members of a hostile group especially when contrary to military orders. 3) To be friendly or amiable. So, Landon, you are fraternizing and there are no gray areas!
Shavonda says that Landon fraternizing with a Soul employee is stupid but Landon does stupid things. As London says to hell with rules and he is breaking ‘em! CW bags goes back to the house as she is going to try and rob the cradle!
The next morning, the roomies find out their new task. They are going to be volunteering to work at the local Easter Seals’ walk-a-thon. Seems simple enough, right? OH HELL NO! Shavonda has a problem with people that have disabilities and she can’t do it! Homie isn’t down with helping children with disabilities! Shavonda is officially the most cold-hearted b!tch I have ever seen! I have walked in these types of walk-a-thons and I must say that those children are the happiest, heart-warming and most loving people I have ever been around! Shavonda should be sent home immediately!
Shavonda pulls aside the director of public relations to explain her phobia of being around special needs kids. I have decided to name this fear after Shavonda and it is called – iamanuneducateddumbassthatdoesn’tlikespecialneedsphobia! The director tells her that she isn’t going to force her to do something she doesn’t want to.
Sarah and Shavonda have a heart-to-heart about said phobia and Sarah has to explain what cerebral palsy is and what it does to the children’s body. Shavonda has decided to give it a try and see if she can do this “challenge”. Shavonda, if you are reading this, please go here for your questions please.
Penis Wrinkle (Landon from here on out) calls company CW and asks her out. PW (Penis Wrinkle) tells her that as long as they can do their work and don’t let this get in the way it is ok! Ummm…hey PW, how the hell do you know what is ok? You are the one that has no idea what fraternizing is! There are no gray areas! YOU ARE FRATERNIZING!
Over the next few minutes, PW and the CW are at a bar drinking and PW does a couple of shots. At this point, PW has no clue what the CW is saying but she is trying to make him understand that what they are doing is wrong. She tells him that she doesn’t want a one-night stand; she wants someone to go home with. HELLO! A person to go home with is a one-night stand. PW says he understands. She then says that she doesn’t want to feel like “that” girl. PW responds, “I don’t want you to feel like “that” girl, I want you to feel like “THAT” girl! Well, this is all just as clear as mud! It is so difficult to understand the conversation because PW is trying to hook-up and the CW isn’t saying no she is just saying that it is wrong. Smart…very smart!
Then we see Coral complaining that someone needs to light a fire under the girl’s arses! We are given a few clips of the upcoming challenge and it looks like a giant game of Operation! Oh wait…wrong freaking show! SORRY! But the challenge looks pretty kewl!
Back at the house at 4:30am, PW calls the CW to make sure she got home safely and to say that he will see her in 3 hours at the office. Why is it all of a sudden these peeps have to the office every day? Also, PW has stalking issues, he gets one girl to show him attention and he is willing to lose his job for her. IDIOT!
Everyone has to get up early for the walk-a-thon. Shavonda is responsible for working with the poster child and her family. The child has cerebral palsy and Shavonda is nervous. Shavonda realizes that this is just a normal 5 year old. I don’t think she overcame her fears…she still looked nervous!
At the end of the day, PW walks the CW to her car and tells her that he wants to kiss. They kiss and PW says that everything is ok because CW is ok with what happened…UNTIL!
First thing the next morning the roomies are told they have an important meeting at the offices of the Soul. The CFO and the director of public relations come in and explain to them what fraternizing means and that the intern contract they signed has been breached (well DUH!). They are given a warning and told to make good choices.
MJ decides to have a chat with PW as they are eating and to be honest, I have no idea what is said. PW is smacking his lips so loudly and his mouth is so full, I can’t understand a word he says. However, MJ says that he is glad PW has learned his lesson and life is good!