Before I get started, just let me say that even though my episode isn’t an eviction, I have enough material to write a novel! We get to see Diane become a complete idiot, Will make sexual faces at Cowboy, and Scott/Jase well, are Scott/Jase. Oh well, here goes…
Keep in mind: Tit = Jase Tat = Scott
We begin the show exactly where we left off…Tit and Tat are nominated and we are waiting for the POV competition! Tit and Tat are trying to manipulate things so that their little love fest can be safe for another week!
Diane is starting the transformation from being an ok person to complete idiot by listening to Tat! Diane and Tat are in the HOH and Diane tells Tat that he (Tat) is safe and that he was nominated because she did not want Tat playing for Tit to win POV. Tat plants info into Diane’s air (she doesn’t have a brain) that Marvin would put up her in a heartbeat!
Diane, Will and Nakomis are in the HOH and Diane is telling them of her talk with Tat. SIDEBAR: Nakomis is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I think she maybe one of the smartest players on the female side! Diane is telling them about Tat saying that Marvin is the strongest player. Nakomis quickly says, “If Marvin is so strong, why in the hell did they nominate A. last week!” They come to the conclusion that Tit and Tat needs to be separated this week! DUH!
We now see Will and Diane in the hammock watching Drew do his laundry. They are lusting big time! Sleazy music continues, as Drew is shown in slow motion, shirtless, doing his laundry. There is a debate on which one has a bigger crush on Drew…Will or Diane…I can answer that question…I DO! Drew is a cutie!
Tat is convinced he is safe and he is campaigning to get Marvin nominated when one of the 4 dumbarses wins POV and removes Tit. Tat says that he would use POV on Tit even if he(Tat) wins the competition.
The houseguest go to the backyard and find ceramic pigs unpainted! They are told to paint the pigs and Karen is shown in the DR screaming something so loud that it hurts my ears! I guess she is excited to paint the pigs! They all pick the pig of their choice and we are shown them taking their time painting. Will paints his little pig very eloquently and Drew’s pig is wearing a tux. Diane goes for prostitute pink and Cowboy uses neon green. Tit uses whore red (how appropriate?) and Tat goes with a freaked out pig! Tit needs a mental evaluation…he really should get help! Karen goes for a country pig with overalls and makes it look very cute!
One of the funniest things to happen in the house so far, Will makes goofy faces and blows kisses to Cowboy behind his back while he is playing golf. LMAO! However, being a card carrying homosexual, I must publicly reprimand my fellow queen for doing this! This type of action should only be used on someone that is attractive like Drew…come on honey…Cowboy? YUCK!